0  236647  236655  236661  236665  236671  236673  236677  236683  236685  236691  236697  236701  236703  236707  236713  236715  236721  236725  236727  236731  236733  236737  236739  236741  236742  236743  236745  236746  236747  236749  236751  236755  236757  236761  236763  236767  236773  236775  236781  236785  236787  236791  236797  236803  236805  236811  236815  236817  236823  236827  236833  236841  447090 

23.(   )-What color is it? –________________.

A. It’s a red      B. It’s the blue    C. It’s red  D. It’s Green


22.(   ) –What’s this in English ? – ______ a map.

A. It’s      B. That’s        C. This is    D. It


21.(   ) It isn’t ______ ring. It’s ________ eraser.

A. an, an     B. a, an      C. an, a      D. a, a



Conversation    A

16.(   ) What is this in English?

A. A Chinese book.   B. An English book  C. a math book.

17.( ) Whose(谁的) book is it?

A. Tony’s       B. Jane’s       C. Mary’s


Conversation B

18.( ) Who likes basketball?

A. Jack     B. Gina     C. Tom

19.( )Who has a football?

A. Jack      B. Gina      C. Tom

(   ) 20.What does Tom like?

     A. Football   B. Basketball  C. Volleyball


11.(   ) What’s the girl’s name ? 

A、She’s Mary    B、She’s Jenny    C、She’s Gina

(   ) 12. What’s this?  

A. It’s a pen.     B. It’s a pencil.    C. It’s a pencil sharpener.

(   ) 13. Where is the notebook? 

A. In the bed.     B. On the bed.     C. Under the bed.

14.(   ) Is Mrs Green Lucy’s mother? 

A. Yes, she is.     B. No, she isn’t.    C. Yes, he is.

(   ) 15. What color is Tom’s hat?

     A. Blue.       B. White.       C. Blue and white.


(   )6.What’s his telephone number?

     A.        B.        C.

       7229586     7225986       7252986

 (   )7.Where is the ball?      

A.        B.        C.


8.(   )What’s this in English?  

A.        B.        C. 

9.(   )What does he have?   

A.        B.         C.

10.(   )What does she have for lunch?

A.        B.        C.


1.(   ) A. Nice to meet you, too  B. I’m fine      C. Thank you

2.(   ) A. I’m Eric       B. He is Jack     C. She is Jenny

3.(   ) A. How are you?     B. I am fine     C. How do you do?

4.(   ) A. It’s 3357682     B. It’s a pen     C. No, it’s a box

5.(   ) A. Good evening     B. Nice to meet you  C. Good morning


看图作文   请仔细审图,假设这是你的卧室bedroom ,请简单叙述一下你的卧室,

注意用方位介词,至少写5句话。 开头已给出。

           My  Bedroom

   This is my bedroom . It is tidy and clean . ….


80、It’s an       (有趣的) computer game


79、Let’s p     ping-pong.

