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Jim: I’m (1)____________, I broke a (2)____________ this morning.

Mum: Oh, dear, you must be (3)__________ next time. Kate is __________(4)careful than you.

Kate: Yes. My teacher says I’m the (5)____________ girl in our class.

Jim: Oh, Kate, you broke ____________(6)cup!

Kate: Oh, dear! I’m sorry!


Mr. Yang is a ____________. He teaches English. He ____________ to work ____________ bike every day. Tomorrow is Saturday.

He ____________ free. He isn’t going to work. He is ____________ to stay ____________ home.

Li Lei and Wang Fei are his students. They go to school ____________ ____________ every day. They ____________ good boys.

Mr. Yang loves them very much. Tomorrow the two students are __________ to the Wildlife Zoo.


10.It’s ____________ colder today than yesterday.

A. more   B. much   C. very


9.What ____________ you ____________ breakfast?

A. had;for   B. did;have for  C. have;for


8.Most boys enjoy ____________ games after class.

A. play   B. playing   C. to play


7.-What was ____________ yesterday?

  -It was March 2nd, 1997.

A. it    B. the day   C. the date


6.Would you like ____________ a cake ____________ meat in it?

A. have; of   B. to eat; for   C. to have; with


5.What ____________ he ____________ yesterday evening?

A. is; do   B. was; do   C. did; do


4.I often go to school ____________.

A. by bus   B. by buses   C. by a bus


3.You are ill. You’d better ____________ the doctor right now.

A. look at   B. watch   C. see


2.Look at the twins. One is carrying a basket, ____________ is carrying a box.

A. another   B. the other   C. the others

