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4. How I wish I could play for our        (国家的)team .


3. Many        (参观者)came to our school last week .


2.        (幸运地)we brought our umbrellas and rain coats , so we didn’t get wet .


1. I often help parents clean the        (院子)on Saturday .


Maria Gomez was born in Peru(秘鲁) . She grew up in a small village . She  1   when she was six years old . She went to primary school , but she  2  to high school . Her family was very

  3   , and she had to go to work when she was thirteen years old . She  4   in a shoe factory .

When Maria was seventeen years old , her family  5   to the United States . First they lived in Los Angeles , and then they went to San Francisco . When Maria  6   in the United States , she was not happy .

She missed(想念) her friends in Peru , and she couldn’t  7   a word of English . She began to study English at night ,  8   worked in a factory during the day .

Maria studied very hard , and now she speaks English well . She’s still  9   at night , but now she is studying typing . She wants  10   in Peru . Maria still misses her friends in Peru . But she is very happy now , and she hopes she can have a good future in the new country .

1.(  ) A. went to school     B. go to school        C. goes to school      D. begins school

2.(  ) A. went            B. didn’t go          C. began            D. wasn’t

3.(  ) A. rich(有钱的)    B. poor(贫穷的)    C. happy            D. hungry

4.(  ) A. works           B. is working         C. is going to work     D. worked

5.(  ) A. moved(搬到)   B. go              C. stayed            D. lived

6.(  ) A. reached          B. arrived               C. got              D. moved

7.(  ) A. tell            B. talk              C. know            D. say

8.(  ) A. when              B. so               C. or               D. and

9.(  ) A. studying         B. studied           C. study            D. studies

10.(  ) A. to do           B. do              C. to be             D. be


15.(   ) - Where are the Smiths from ?

- Mr Smith is a       , and his wife Mrs Smith is from       .

A. Brazil ; Japan                 B. Brazilian ; Japan

C. Brazil ; Japanese               D. Brazilian ; Japanese


14.(   ) - I went to the bookshop just now . I saw Miss Sun there .

- Who        did you see ?

A. other         B. else          C. another           D. the other


13.(   ) Tiger Woods started        when he was only ten months old .

A. golf          B. golfer        C. golfs             D. golfing

