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请用下面所给的提示语,以How to be healthy为题,写一篇短文,字数60左右。


提示语: exercise, three times a day, less meat, more vegetables, junk food, never, go to bed, early, sleep, nine hours, habit, make, help, study better

How to be healthy?

  I think I’m very healthy.                           









What do the people usually do on weekends ? Some people like to 51 at home, but others like to go out for a walk or play football . Mr Smith 52 hard in a factory during (在期间) the 53  . On the weekends, he usually 54 the same thing. On Saturday he washes his car and on 55 he goes with his family to a village(村庄)by car. His uncle and aunt 56 a farm there . It isn’t a big one, but there is always 57 to do on the farm. The children help with the animals and give them some 58  . Mr and Mrs Smith help in the field. At the end of the day, they are all 59 and Mr Smith’s aunt 60 them a big meal.

(  ) 51. A. play     B. stay     C. be      D. so

(  ) 52. A. works    B. does    C. makes     D. studies

(  ) 53. A. day     B. year    C. week     D. month

(  ) 54. A. does     B. do     C. make      D. has

(  ) 55. A. Friday    B. Saturday   C. Thursday    D. Sunday

(  ) 56. A. bring    B. has     C. have     D. find

(  ) 57. A. much     B. many    C. any      D. most

(  ) 58. A. food     B. rice     C. cakes     D. fruit

(  ) 59. A. happy    B. angry    C. full      D. hungry 

(  ) 60. A. give     B. puts     C. makes    D. does



His _________     _  _________    _ is Animal World.


49.    保持健康是很重要的。

It’s important to __________  __________ .


48.    我们可以一周练习一两次钢琴。

We can practice the piano __________ or __________ a week.


47.    你怎么了?我背疼。

What’s the matter with you ?   I have a __________  __________ .


46.    关于说英语,有些学生说得挺好。

__________  __________ speaking English, some students speak well.

