0  236922  236930  236936  236940  236946  236948  236952  236958  236960  236966  236972  236976  236978  236982  236988  236990  236996  237000  237002  237006  237008  237012  237014  237016  237017  237018  237020  237021  237022  237024  237026  237030  237032  237036  237038  237042  237048  237050  237056  237060  237062  237066  237072  237078  237080  237086  237090  237092  237098  237102  237108  237116  447090 

2.( )  This is the ________ of the story.

    A. begining     B. beginning      C. begins    D. began


1.( ) - Is there a library near where you live?

    - ________ .

    A. Yes, there is    B. No, there is      C. Yes, it is    D. No, it isn't



________ B: That's a good idea. But how can we go there?

________ B: Yes, I like them very much. What are you going to do tomorrow(明天)?

________ B: Let's go to see the pandas first. They are my favorite animals.

________ A: Do you have a bike?

   1   A: Do you like animals?

________ B: How about going to the zoo?

________ A: No, I don't like pandas. Let's go to see the koalas. They're cute.

________ B: Yes, let's go there by bike.

________ A: Good idea.

________ A: See you tomorrow.

________ A: I have no idea.

  12   B: See you




 动物    职业  音乐类型   周末活动   形容词

____________  ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

____________  ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________

____________  ____________  ____________  ____________  ____________



__今天天气晴朗、颇热,你和朋友们在海滩玩,看见很多人,有的人在游泳,有的人在打沙滩排球,有几个男孩子在踢足球,有些女孩子在唱歌跳舞,还有人躺在沙滩上,沙(sand) 是热的,但海水很凉爽。请你把看到的景象描写出来。(50―60字左右)





1、There are two fathers and two sons. How many people at least are there? __________

2、Which is the medicine(药) for your head in the English letters? It is _____

3、The total(总) ages of two boys is now seventeen, what will it be in six years’ time? ­­­­______

4.The bad boys beat(欧打)the man black an d blue.Here"black and blue" means(意思是)____________.

5、Lucy was hit by a car. The car was broken, but she was ok. Why?______________________________



A: Excuse me. 61 ______________________________________________________?

B: Yes, I do. I have a girl pen pal.

A: 62 ______________________________________________________________?

B: She is from Sydney.

A: Where is Sydney?

B: It’s a city in Australia.

A: 63 ___________________________________________________________?

B: Yes. Koalas are from Australia. They sleep in the day and get up to eat leaves at night.

A: That sounds interesting. And 64 ________________________________________?

B: It’s warn in winter and cool in summer.

A: 65 ___________________________________________________________.

B: You’re welcome.

   61. __________ 62. ___________ 63. ___________ 64. ___________ 65. __________

   A. Thank you for answering my questions.  B. Where are koalas from

   C. Do you have a pen pal   D. What’s the weather like in Australia

   E. Where is she from     F. Does Australia have any famous (出名的) animals


60. 我们去散步吧!



59. 这是一张中国地图。

   ___________ is ___________ ___________ _____________ China.


58. 非洲虎看来最危险。

   Tigers from Africa _____________ ______________ _____________ _____________.


57. 他在和谁照相?

   Who’s he ______________ _______________ with?

