0  236945  236953  236959  236963  236969  236971  236975  236981  236983  236989  236995  236999  237001  237005  237011  237013  237019  237023  237025  237029  237031  237035  237037  237039  237040  237041  237043  237044  237045  237047  237049  237053  237055  237059  237061  237065  237071  237073  237079  237083  237085  237089  237095  237101  237103  237109  237113  237115  237121  237125  237131  237139  447090 

17. The fresh air comes into the room _______the window.

   A. through B. across C. past D. pass


16. Walk ______the bridge, and you can see a big supermarket on your left.

   A. across B. cross C. through D. past


15. –How can I get to the park?

–Go _____Center Street and turn left. It’s down Bridge Street ______the right.

   A. straight; on B. down; on C. down; in D. along; to


14. --___________? –Yes, there is one on Center Street.

   A. Is there a post office near here? B. Where is the post office?

   C. Which is the way to the post office? D. How can I get to the post office?


13. --________. Is there a restaurant in the neighborhood? –It’s _____Center Street.

   A. Excuse me; on B. Hi; in C. Hello; on D. Sorry; on


12. --_________is the bank? –It’s across from the hotel.

   A. How B. Where C. When D. what


11. There is a teacher’s desk _______our classroom.

   A. in front of B. in the front of C. in front D. at front of


10. There is a big tree _____our classroom.

   A. in front B. in front of C. on the front of D. front of


9. --Where’s the hotel? –It’s ______the library and the bank.

   A. across B. next C. in D. between


8. You can borrow some books from the ________.

   A. post office B. supermarket C. bank D. library

