0  236957  236965  236971  236975  236981  236983  236987  236993  236995  237001  237007  237011  237013  237017  237023  237025  237031  237035  237037  237041  237043  237047  237049  237051  237052  237053  237055  237056  237057  237059  237061  237065  237067  237071  237073  237077  237083  237085  237091  237095  237097  237101  237107  237113  237115  237121  237125  237127  237133  237137  237143  237151  447090 

1 how old                几岁

2 school trip               郊游

3 basketball/ volleyball game    篮球赛/排球赛

4 help sb with sth         帮助某人某事

5 school day            学校上课日

6 be born in/on             出生于

7 date of birth=birthday        出生日期

8 Art Festival             艺术节

9 Music Festival            音乐节

10 pop contest           流行音乐会

11 (English) speech contest    (英语)演讲比赛

12 soccer ball game           足球赛

13 birthday party            生日会

14 school day           学校庆祝日

15 English party           英语聚会

16 each year =every year          每年

17 a piece of paper           一张纸

Unit 9 Do you want to go to a movie?


When is your birthday?      

It’s October 25th.   My birthday is October tenth.

When is your mother’s birthday?   Her birthday is June 8th.

How old are you?         What’s your age?    

I’m thirteen.

When is the school trip?     Do you having a fun birthday?

Happy birthday!


1 how much + (U)         多少/多少钱

2 how many + (C)复数          多少

3 Here you are.             给你

4 bags for sports            运动包          

5 come to               到…来                                                                                                                                                                                                    

6 I’m sorry.              对不起

7 can I help you?=What can I do for you?  需要我帮忙吗?

8 want sth. /to do sth.    想要sth /想要做某事

9 what color            什么颜色

10 great sale             大甩卖

11 want sb to do sth      想要某人做某事

12 That’s OK.= It’s my pleasure.(5种)   不用谢

13 That’s not all.           不只这些

14 black and blue           黑白相嵌

15 on sale               在出售

16 at the price of          以…的价格

17 at a very good price   一个好价钱/价格合理

  What’s the price of sth ?=How much … 多少钱

  like something cheap      喜欢便宜的东西                        

18 have sth. for only +价钱     有某物只卖…

19 in all colors              各色

20 in+颜色               着色

21 see for yourself           亲眼看

22 boys and girls=class         同学们

23 clothes store= clothes shop       服装店

=clothing store= clothing shop     服装店

24 ask sb to do sth        叫某人做某事

25 I don’t think so.        我不这么认为

26 afford sth./to do sth.   买得起某物/提供金钱干某事

27 buy sth. for +价钱       多少钱买某物

28 sell sth. for +价钱       多少钱卖某物 

Unit 8 When is your birthday?


How much is this T-shirt?    It’s seven dollars.

How much are these socks?    They’re two dollars.

Can I help you? =What can I do for you?

I want a sweater.=I’d like a sweater.

What color do you want?     Here you are.

I’ll take it.           You’re welcome.

That’s OK.           That’s all right.

The blue sweater is 7 dollars.  

We have sweaters at a very good price.

We have great bogs for only 12 yuan.    

We have T-shirts in red for 18 dollars.

Anybody can afford our prices!   

Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!


1 French fries              薯条

2 ice cream              冰淇淋

3 running star            赛跑明星

4 lots of = a lot of + (C)复数/ (U)   大量;许多

5 French chicken leg          炸鸡腿

6 ice stick                冰棒

7 have breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper  吃早/中/晚餐

8 movie (film) star          电影明星

9 music star               歌星

10 healthy food           健康食物

11 eat food              吃食物                     

12 have sth. for breakfast/lunch/dinner/supper


13 have a look (at sth.)       看一看(某物)

14 at school/ at home       在学校/在家里                     

15 relax sports            休闲运动

16 some runners          一些运动员

Unit 7 How much are these pants?


Do you like hamburgers?    Yes, I do.  No, I don’t.

Does he/she like a salad?   

Yes ,he/she does.   No ,he/she doesn’t.

She/He likes hamburgers for lunch.

She doesn’t like hamburgers.

Let’s have French fries.

For dinner, she has chicken and tomatoes.



1 tennis racket             网球拍

2 baseball bat            棒球球拍

3 doesn’t=does not     不是(动词三单形式)

4 watch TV              看电视

5 have /play/do sports          做运动

6 a good idea           一个好主意

7 every day/morning/Sunday/… 每天/每个早上/…

8 watch a game(s)         看比赛/游戏

9 like doing         喜欢做某事(爱好)

10 like to do       喜欢做某事(特定时间)

11 a ping-pong bat          乒乓拍

12 That sounds interesting(fun)/good/difficult/boring/relaxing.


13 a great collection       丰富的收藏

14 let sb. do sth.         让某人干某事

15 play ping-pong/tennis/volleyball/soccer/basketball… 


16 play computer games     打电子游戏

17 watch sth. on TV       在电视上看

18 every day/morning/afternoon/evening 


Unit 6 Do you like bananas?


Do you have a ping-pong ball?    

Yes, I do.      No, I don’t.

Does he/she have a tennis racket?  

Yes, he/she does.   No, he/she doesn’t.

Let’s play ping-pong.

It’s boring.

That sounds good/interesting.

I don’t have a ping-pong ball.

He/She doesn’t have a volleyball.

She/He has a great sports collection.

We have many sports clubs.

He watches them on TV.

Do you have some more paper?  Yes, I do. /No, I don’t.


1 in the drawer            在抽屉里

2 don’t=don not      不是(动词主语形式)

3 in pair               成对的

4 Goodbye.= Bye-bye           再见

5 behind the computer        在电脑后面              

6 write down            写下;记下

7 I’m sorry              对不起

8 act out              表演出来

9 alarm clock              闹钟

10 video tape              录像带

11 soccer ball            英式足球

12 school bag              书包

13 in the backpack           在书包里

14 under the bed            在床下

15 on the chair            在椅子上

16 on the dresser          在梳妆台上

17 math book             数学书

18 take sth to…(there/him/+地点)    把…带去

19 bring sth to …(here/me/+地点)    把…带来

20 the math book          这本数学书

21 the notebook          这个笔记本

22 on the floor           在地上 

Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?


Where’s my backpack?    It’s under the table.

Where are your baseballs?   They’re on the floor.

Is the baseball on the sofa?   Yes ,it is.   No, it isn’t.

I don’t know.

Are they on the bed?   Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t.

Are these/those your books? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.

Please take these things to your sister.

Can you bring some things to school?

The keys are in the drawer.

Here’s my room.

