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3.to feel grateful to sb. for归功于; 感激

owing to(= because of) 由于; 因为

own  adj.  belonging to oneself自己的

vt. 1.to possess something , esp. by lawful right拥有; 持有; 所有


2. to have to give负有债务; 应向某人付出


2. over  above,  on:  above 表示 “在之上” , 指斜上方, 其反义词为

below;  over表示 “在正上方, 垂直于之上”, 可以有面与面的接触,

也可以有一定的距离. 其反义词为under.  on表示“ 在的面上”,  强


overcoat  n. [C] a long warm coat worn over other clothes by men and women

when going out esp. in cold weather 大衣, 外衣

owe  vt. 1. to have to pay欠债


3. ended or finished结束; 完了

all over浑身; 全身; 全部; 整个; 在整个

all over the country/world 全国/全世界

over and over again 反复不断地; 再三

over there在那边(指较远处)

go over复习

show sb. over some place 领某人走遍某地(参观)

ant. under

[辨析] 1. over,  through,  across:  over指从一个物体的一边经上方到另一边的越

过. through 指(在空间)通过一物体或洞穴的穿过 、“通过”.  Across

指在同一范围内从一边到另一边的横过, 指平面穿过.


2.across a distance or open space 越过, 超过


4.during; in the course of (an event or period)在......时间内;


adv. 1. directly above在上


3.in, on, or through many or all parts of 遍及


2. more than; to the other side of esp. going up and then down

again; from side to side 越过


3. coming from or happening elsewhere外来的;确良发生于他处的

adv. & prep.  on or to the outside (of)在外面;在外; 向外; 在附近

ant. inside

over  prep. 1.directly above, higher than , but not touching在上方


整体中除去一部分后, 剩余的全部. 表特指.

otherwise  adv. if not; or else 否则, 要不然 [同]or , or else

ought  aux. v. to have the moral duty (to do something); should

应当; 应该(须与to 连用)

ought to do sth.应该做某事

oughtn’t (=ought not )to do sth.不应该做某事

ought to have done sth.(过去)本应该做某事(而实际上没做)(表示后悔或责备)

syn. should

our  pron.  belonging to us[we的所有格, 形容词性物主代词]我们的

ours  pron. that/those belonging to us[名词性物主代词](= our + n.) 我们的

ourselves  pron. [we的反身代词]我们自己

by ourselves 独立地

out  adv. away from the inside; in or to the open air, the outside, etc.

在外; 向外; 离开

be worn out穿破; 累坏

go out出去; 熄灭

find a way out 找到出路

tire out使精疲力竭

put out(使)熄灭

turn out熄灭

work out算出; 解出

speak out 大声说

be sold out被卖完了

out of 在外; 在外; 缺乏; 没有; 用完; 由于; 出于

out of work失业

out of ones reach够不着

out of breath 上气不接下气

outdoors  adv. in the open air在户外; 在野外

outdoor  adj. existing, happening, done, or used in the open air

户外的; 室外的

ant. indoor

outside    n.  the outer part of a solid object; the part that is furthest from

the centre, or that faces away towards other people or towards

the open air外部;外面;外表;外层

adj. 1. facing the outside外部的

2. in the open air户外的

