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3.to amuse oneself by pretending to be or do something扮演


2.to amuse oneself at (a game)玩耍


3.a piece of writing to be performed in a theatre 剧本

v.1.(+ with) to do things that pass the time pleasantly, esp including running and jumping; have fun玩


2.the action or manner in a sport运动;竞赛


2.a raised flat surface built along the side of the track at a railway station for travellers getting on or off a train(火车站)月台;站台

play [plei]n.1.activity for amusement only, esp. among the young 玩耍;娱乐


2.(+ with) to supply a place with seed or growing plants 播种;培植  [辨析]plant, factory,  works: 均可表示“工厂”. factory可指各类工厂,亦可指任何生产产品的地方; plant一般指化工、电力、机械等行业的工厂;works一般用作单数, 多指钢铁等重工业工厂。 ①plant,  grow: plant的意思是移栽、移植已经长成秧苗的植物  grow的意思是使某种植物在某地生长着或使其发展下去。

plastic [5plB:stIk]n. any of various light man-made materials produced chemically from oil or coal, which  can be made into different shapes when soft and keep their shape when hard塑料;塑料制品

adj. (of a substance) easily formed into various shapes by pressing, and able to keep the new shape 可塑的;塑料的

plate [pleit]n. a flat, usu. round dish with a slightly raised edge from which food is eaten or served 盘子;碟子;

on the plate在盘子里

platform [5plAtfC:m]n. 1.a raised floor of boards for speaker, performers, etc.台; 讲台


3.a factory工厂

vt. 1.to put plants or seeds in the ground to grow 种植


2.a machine; apparatus机器; 设备


4.not pretty or handsome不漂亮的;不美的

plan [plAn n. a carefully considered arrangement for carrying out some future activity计划;安排:

a five-year plan 五年计划

a plan for/of的计划

make a plan for匼制定计划

vt.(planned, planning) to make a plan for sth. 计划;

plan to do sth计划做某事

had planned to do sth , but匼 原来本计划做某事的, 但(表示过去未曾实现的愿望,  英语中动词think, hope, want, mean, expect, suppose等均有此用法)

plane[plein]/aeroplane n. (= airplane  Am.E.) a flying vehicle that is heavier than air, that has wings, and has at least one engine飞机:  by plane/ by air 乘飞机

plant [plB:nt]n.1. a living thing that has leaves and roots, and grows usu. in earth, esp. the kind smaller than trees植物


3.straightforward; frank坦白的;直截了当的

