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2.to stop or hold back someone阻止:

prevent sb./ sth. (from) doing sth [= stop sb../ sth. (from) doing sth; keep sb./sth. from doing sth.] 阻止某人做某事; 阻止某事发

[注]keep sb./sth. doing sth. 使某人.某物处于某种状态

price [prais] n. 1.an amount of money for which a thing is offered, sold, or bought价格; 价钱 ;



[辨析] 1.pretty, beautiful, handsome, lovely: 均有 美 的意思, 通常指的重点不同, 各用于不同的对象. beautiful 表示 :美丽时, 是最普遍的用法, 通常指最能产生美感的那种美, 给以人最大的满足, 是高尚的精神上的美丽, 包含喜悦感的温柔, 愉快, 爱怜, 优美等. 可以用于人, 一般用于女性, 亦可用于物, 如: face, body, flower, view, voice, poem, smell, morning, weather, music 等;  pretty通常形容小孩, 青年女子, 或比较细小的东西, 含有娇小, 悦人, 精致的美的特色, 它不用于精神上的美或高尚的美, 形容物时有 娇小玲珑的意思;  handsome 一般指男性美, 有 英俊, 潇洒的意思; 形容女性时, 通常指 五官端正, 有男人气质;  lovely通常指能引起赞美赞叹等感情的人或物, 也可以形容或描写女人的容貌;  beautiful, pretty, lovely 都不用于形容男子的美, 形容男子时, 一般用  handsome, good-looking等.  2.fairly, rather, quite, pretty, very: 这几个表示程度的副词从强到弱的顺序是very rather/pretty quite fairly. 用法上的区别在于: ①只有rather一词能和比较级及too连用, 但有quite better(完全康复); ②quite 和rather都可用在冠词前, 也可和动词连用, pretty, very, fairly 则不能; ③quite, fairly rather, very 可放在a./an后, 但只有当名词前有形容词时, 才这样用. ④只有quite一词能和一些没有程度差异的词(如: perfect, impossible, dead, wrong等)连用, 表示completely(完全地) 或absolutely(绝对的)的意思.

prevent [prI5vent] v. 1.to keep something from happening or existing 防止; 预防


2.a gift礼物

[辨析]gift,  present:  两者都可作 礼物解, 常可能通用, 但gift 着重于诚意与分量, 一般指上级或同级所赠的礼物, 侧重于送礼人的诚意;  present一般指同级或下级所赠的礼物, 口语中用得多.

president [prezId[nt] n. the head of government in many modern states that do not have a king or queen 总统

press [pres] v. to push firmly and steadily against something 压按

pretend [prI5tend] v. to make oneself appear (to be sth., to be doing sth.), either in play or to deceive others假装; 装作:

pretend (to be) + n. /adj. 假装;

pretend to do sth  假装做某事;

pretend to be doing sth假装正在做某事;

pretend that-从句:  假装

pretty [5prItI] adj. (of a woman, a child, or a small fine thing) pleasing or nice to look at, listen to, etc; charming but not beautiful or grand漂亮的; 迷人的; 可爱的; 俊俏的

[同] beautiful

adv. 1.in some degree; rather; quite though not completely相当; 颇


2.existing or in course of action now现在的

n. 1.the time now passing现在;

at present现在; 目前


2.of great value that must be not wasted宝贵的  3.greatly loved or very valuable as being dear to one珍爱的

prefer [prI5f[:] v. (preferred; preferring) to choose (one thing or action) rather than another; like better宁可;宁愿;更喜欢;

prefer doing sth./to do sth宁愿做某事;

prefer (doing) to (doing)匼 宁愿而不愿......;

prefer to do than do匼 宁愿而不愿;

prefer sb. to do sth.宁愿某人做某事

prepare [prI5pZ[] v. to get or make ready准备; 预备:  prepare for(= get ready for)为作准备  prepare匼for匼使有准备; 为准备;  be prepared for匼准备(有某种情况);  be prepared to do准备; 打算; prepare to do匼准备做   preparation [9prep[5reiF[n] n. the act or state of preparing准备:  make  preparations for 为作准备

present [5preznt] adj. 1.(of a person) being in the place talked of or understood 在场的;  出席的   [反]absent


2.glory; worship崇拜

precious [5preF[s] adj. 1.of great value and beauty 珍贵的


3.to do (an action) repeatedly or do exercises regularly in order to gain skill 练习;实习

practise /practice doing sth练习做

praise [preiz] v. to speak favourable and with admiration of赞扬;表扬

praise sb. for (doing) sth因某事表扬某人

n. 1.expression of admiration赞扬; 表扬

in praise of称赞;歌颂

sing high praise for 高度赞扬


2.to (force oneself to) show or use (some necessary quality in behaviour) 实施


2.experience; knowledge of a skill 经验;实习  3.regularly repeated performance or exercise in order to gain skill 练习:

Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧

put into practice实行; 实施

[辨析]practice, drill, exercise:  均作名词,表示 练习.

practice指为求得完善, 熟练而反复地做某事;



practise [5prAktIs] v. (=practice 美) 1.to act in accordance with (the ideas of ones religion or other firm belief)实行; 实践


4.taught by actual experience or practice, not by studying books 有实际经验的

practice [5prAktIs] n. 1.actual use or performance as compared with the idea, intention, rules, etc., on which the action is based 实行;实践

