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3. affair 事件; 事情

think [ i k] (thought, thought) v. 1. to use the mind 想; 思索


2. (pl.) ( 个人的)物品; 用品


3. not thick, with parts not close together 稀淡的; 稀疏的

thing [ i ] n.1. any object, when you do not know or use its name 东西


2. not fat 瘦的


2. heavy, with parts close together 浓重的; 密集的 (反义词) thin

thief [ i:f] (pl. thieves) n. a person who steals 小偷; 窃贼

thin [ in] adj. 1. not thick 薄的; 细的


2. (作引导词)表示“存在”

therefore [‘  f :] adv. and so, because of that 所以;因此

these [ i:z] adj. & pron. 这些

they [ ei] pron. subject form, pl. of he, she , it 他们

thick [ ik] adj. 1. some distance from one side to the other; not thin 厚的;


3. 那么

there adv. 1. in or to that place; not here 在那儿; 往那儿


2. after that 然后; 后来; 接着


4. (用在世界上独一无二的事物前) the moment 一......就......

the more ... the ... 越...... 越...... ; 愈....... 愈......

the Nobel Prize 诺贝尔奖

the Sleeping Beauty Castle 睡美人城堡

the States 美国

the Union 联邦

the War of Indepence 独立战争

the World Service 国际广播

theatre/theater [‘ i t ] n. a building where we go to see a play 剧院; 戏院

their  pron. belonging to them他们/她们/它们的

theirs [  z] pron. that or those belonging to them  他们/她们/它们的

them [ em] pron. 他们/她们/它们

themselves [  m’selvz] pron. 他们/她们/它们自己

then [ en] adv.1. at that time 那时; 当时now and then有时; 不时


3. (用在某些专有名词之前)

