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2. used in a question or statement to show what person or people you

are talking about (关系代词引导定语从句)谁


3.[c + of] the white part of your eye  眼白

ant. black

who[hu:] pron. 1. used in questions to ask what person or people



2.[C] someone who belongs to a pale-skinned race  白种人


2. looking pale, because of illness, strong emotion etc.


n. 1.[U] the colour of milk, salt, and snow  白色


2. a piece of news or information  that has not been officially

announced  谣传,暗示,秘密话

in whispers  低声说话

white[wait] adj. 1. having the colour of milk, salt or snow  白的,白色的


2. vt.  to say or suggest something privately or secretly

低声地讲,私下说  (后跟that 从句)

n.[C] 1. a very quiet voice, when you are whispering.  低语,耳语,私语


4.  used to show that you partly agree with, or accept something

but not completely(表让步)虽然,尽管

n.  a period of time, especially a short one   一会儿,一段时间

after a while  过了一会儿

in a short while  不久

once in a while  有时,偶尔

syn. as, when

whisper['wisp ]  1. vi. vt.  to speak or say something very quietly, using your

breath rather than your voice  耳语,低语


3.  used to emphasize the difference between two situations,

activities etc(强调不同)而,当...却


2.  something happens at the same time as something else



3.    used especially in written language after a comma, to add more

information about a specific thing or things, or about the first part

of the sentence  (非限定定语从句)  那一个,那一些

whichever[witf`ev ] determiner. pron.  无论哪个,无论哪些

while[wail] conj. 1.  during the time that something is happening


