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35. _____ many other girls of her age, my 16-year-old daughter is a crazy fan of David Beckham.

A. As for       B. As though      C. As with      D. As to


34. In order to______ consumers, it’s extremely important to consider what information should be included in the advertisement.

A. adapt to      B. apply to        C. contribute to     D. appeal to


33.She ____ her younger sister in appearance but not in character.

A. looks      B. compares       C. equals        D. resembles


32. When I got back home, I found the door open, a terrible idea____ me –had my house been broken into ?

A. beat          B. struck      C. knocked       D. attacked


31. As a matter of fact, we do meet now and then, but not______ .

A. regularly      B. actually     C. gradually       D. normally


30. We’ve talked a lot____ cars. What about trains ?

A. Of          B. with.       C. about.      D.  in.


29. Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class ______ he had to see his uncle off at the airport. 

 A. why       B. that      C. where     D. because


28.The man pulled out a gold watch,_______ were made of small diamonds.

A. the hands of whom B. whom the hands of C. which the hands of  D. the hands of which


27.----Someone wants you on the telephone

----______ no one knows I’m here.

A. For       B. And        C. But        D. So


26. --- Michael was late for Mr. Smith’s oral class this morning.

---______? As far as I know, he never came late to class.

A. How come    B. So what     C. Why not      D. What for

