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3. In the crowed buses young people should make ______ for the old.

A. trouble           B. room            C. place         D. seats


2. If you have a problem ______ your composition, you’d better go and ask your Chinese teacher for _______.

A. in; some advices        B. for; any advice      C. on; advices     D. with some advice


1. The field hospital sent five ______ to the front.

A. women doctors   B. woman’s doctors   C. woman doctors   D. women’s doctors


10. We were very busy yesterday, we had ______ to do.

A. much work   B. many work    C. much job   D. a lot of job


1D  the Green’s 在格林家,用“the +姓氏’s”表示“姓...的家”。the Greens 表示“格林一家人”。

2A 当物质名词表示该物质的份数时,可数。如:Tom, please give me two coffees. 因此, three coffees“三份咖啡

3B keep sb company 陪伴某人。

4  B Englishman变复数为Englishmen; German变复数为Germans.

5  C 表示两个人共有时,要在第二个人后面加's。如:Lucy and Lily’s mother

6Dbe in good/ poor condition 身体好/.


8C  thief变复数为thieves。类似的名词还有:half, leaf, wolf, wifeknife等。




9. He is a man of _______ and he had a lot of interesting _______ in his life.

A. much experience; experiences     B. much experience; experience

C. many experience; experience     D. many experiences; experience


8. The police caught two _______ in the street yesterday.

A. thiefs    B. thief     C. thieves   D. thiefes


7. This new kind of jacket is made of _________.

A. a cotton   B. the cotton   C. cotton   D cottons


6. She is in a poor ________ of health, which worries her mother much.

A. position   B. situation   C. state    D. condition


5. Miss Loura is a friend of ________.

A. Tom’s and Jane’s           B. Tom’s and Jane

C. Tom and Jane’s            D. Tom and Jane


4. Two _______ and three ________ attended the meeting.

A. Englishman; Germen        B. Englishmen; Germans

C. Englishmen; German        D. Englishmans; Germans

