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3. Every ______ been tried since then.

A. mean has     B. men have      C. means has      D. means have


2. There was a volleyball match yesterday between the _______ and _______.

A. man teachers; boy students        B. men teachers; boys students

C. men teacher;  boy student           D. men teachers; boy students


1. To write the article, I need _______.

A. some more information      B. a plenty of information

C. a lot of informations         D. many more information


10. Helen and her sister went on holiday with a cousin of _______.

A. theirs       B. their        C. her       D her


1A  manwoman构成的复合词中,要将整个复合词的两部分都变成复数形式,即women doctors女医生。

2D  have a problem with the composition作文中有问题;advice为不可数名词。

3B  make room for sb.为某人让地方。此处的room为不可数名词,意为“空间”。

4  C  hair表示几根白发时为可数,变复数时要加s

5  A family表示“家庭成员”时,为复数概念,谓语动词用复数;当family表示“整个家族”时为单数概念,将其看成一个整体,谓语动词用单数。本题为单数概念,把famliy看成一个整体。

6Dnews为不可数名词,而few, a number of等修饰可数名词复数,a little修饰不可数名词。

7D.复合名词的所有格和短语的所有格都是在最后一个词的后面加’s,如果复合名词表示复数概念,且最后一个单词为复数形式,词尾有s,则在最后直接加即可。twenty minutes’ walk 步行20分钟的路程。

8A  the hands of the clock表示“表针”。


10A.本题考查双重所有格,是由名词后加-sof结构构成的所有格的of+ N’s的结构。 a cousin of theirs表示Helen和他姐姐的堂姐中其中的一个堂姐。


9. Kindness is the most important ______ that a man should have.

A. honor       B. habit       C. quality      D. character


8. The ____ of the clock showed that it was time for dinner.

A. hands       B. fingers      C. numbers     D. arms


7. Tom’s home is only twenty ______ from here.

A. minute walk    B. minutes walk    C. minute’ walk   D minutes’ walk


6. Mary looks happy. She must have got_______.

A. a few good news   B. a number of good news   

C, little good news   D. a little good news


5. Zhang’s family ______ rather big, which twelve people in all.

A. is         B. are        C. being      D. was


4. The years had passed; I found my mother had ________.

A. a little white hair    B. some white hair     C. a few white hairs    D. much white hair

