0  248564  248572  248578  248582  248588  248590  248594  248600  248602  248608  248614  248618  248620  248624  248630  248632  248638  248642  248644  248648  248650  248654  248656  248658  248659  248660  248662  248663  248664  248666  248668  248672  248674  248678  248680  248684  248690  248692  248698  248702  248704  248708  248714  248720  248722  248728  248732  248734  248740  248744  248750  248758  447090 

91. If you have a problem _____ your composition, you had better ask your teacher ______.

A. in; on some advice B. for; for some advices C. on; some advice D. with; for some advice


90. It's quite strange that the man sleeps with his mouth____ and his eyes _____.

A. closed; open B. closed; opened C. closing; open D. closing; opening


89. His father looks young, but _____ fact he is _____.

A. in; in the forties B. in; in his forties C. in the; in the forties D. in; in his forty


88. Before the game started Alien's friends believed he was ___ but he didn't feel ___. Then after the first ten minutes, he began to take heart.

A. sure to win; sure to success B. sure of success; sure of it

C. sure to win; sure about that D. sure about winning; sure to win


87. Paper _____ the fibres of plants for many years.

A. has been made from B. have been made out of C. has made up of D. have been made into


86. The books, _____ the dictionaries, must be put back where they _____.

A. included; were B. to include; are C. including; were D. including; are


85. What a strange man! He loves his wife, but _____ he often beats her.

A. at a time B. at one time C. at times D. at the same time


84. ---Where is Mother

---She is in the kitchen. She _____the housework all morning.

A. is doing B. was doing C. has done D. has been doing


83. The problem was that it is ____valuable ___everyday use.

A. too; to B. too; for C. too; of D. so; that


82. But later people developed a way of printing, _____rocks.

A. used B. using C. and use D. uses

