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8. 的夹角的平分线上的单位向量是(   D   ).




12. 如图,⊙内两弦,若

_________ .   2     通用教材,P83,P260


Recently, I was driving down a highway at about 60 miles an hour. A car came from the _36___ direction at about the same speed. As we_37___ each other, I looked into the driver’s eyes for a second. I _38___whether he might be thinking, as I was, how  _39____ we were on each other at that moment. I was relying on him not to fall __40__, not to cross over into my lane (车道) and bring my _41___ to a sudden end. He relied on me in just the same way without _42___ .

I believe that is the way the world_43___. At some level, we all depend upon _44___. Sometimes that dependence requires us simply not to _45___ over the double yellow line. Sometimes it requires us to _46___cooperatively (同心协力地), with friends or even __47__.

_48____technology makes our world smaller, the need increases for cooperation. In 2003, doctors in five nations were encouraged to _49____ the causes of SARS, saving thousands of lives. The__50___of international terrorism has shown itself to be a similar _51____, one requiring the _52____ across the world. We must__53___ that our future is not controlled by ourselves alone.

I’ve come to believe that one must rely upon the good faith and judgment of others. So, while _54____alone down a dark road, we must know the coming light may not be a danger, but a __55___moment of trust.

36. A. same      B. opposite       C. near       D. far

37. A. passed       B. caught       C. blamed      D. reminded

38. A. asked     B. searched      C. repeated    D. wondered

39. A. friendly      B. strange      C. dependent      D. confident

40. A. ill      B. asleep        C. away      D. apart

41. A. car       B. trip         C. journey      D. life

42. A. doubt      B. success       C. difficulty     D. feeling

43. A. forms      B. runs      C. works        D. appears

44. A. one another  B. the other    C. every other      D. some other

45.  A. jump     B. cross         C. take       D. go

46. A. compete     B. walk        C. act        D. travel

47. A. strangers     B. relatives   C. colleagues      D. animals

48. A. But        B. If          C. As    D. After

49. A. determine    B. damage      C. consider       D. find

50. A. arrival        B. organization    C. development  D. threat

51. A. condition   B. problem      C. situation      D. question

52. A. efforts       B. practice      C. fighting       D. forces

53. A. hope      B. decide       C. realize      D. face

54. A. sitting       B. standing     C. flying        D. driving

55. A. closed      B. shared       C. broken      D. concerned


35. - What did she ask you just now?

- She asked me if ______ the accident.

A. I saw        B. I see    C. I would see    D. I had seen


34. It was the training ______ he had at school ______ made him a good jumper.

A. what;what     B. that;that    C. what;that      D. that;what

