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18. You’ve done so much work - you’re ____ pass the exam.

A. addicted to          B. bound to    C. due to             D. accustomed to


17. A large ______ of the hotel’s income ______ from the visitors to the lake nearby.

A. percentage ; are      B. percentage; is    C. percent; are     D. percent; is


16. John has got a fever these days, and he says he doesn’t want to see a doctor, but I’m afraid he  has no______.

A. alternative       B. extra        C. treatment  D. possibility


15. The film Harry Potter was quite ______ hit across the world, bringing in ______ income of box office over millions of dollars within five months.

  A. /; an                 B. a; /          C. a; an        D. a; the


14. Since she left home, I have been worried about her and _____ well at all.

    A. was sleeping              B. wasn’t sleeping

   C. haven’t been sleeping         D. have been sleeping


13. ______ is known to us all that Shanghai will host the 2010 World Expo.

   A. Which            B. As       C. That      D. It


12. ______ with some research findings, I decided on three possible approaches.

A. Preparing                           B. Having prepared

C. To prepare                          D. Prepared


11.The man ______ of shooting 6 school children was caught by Beijing police, the XINHUA News Agency reported on Friday.

A. being suspected    B. suspecting     C. suspected    D. to be suspected


10. ---What did you hear last night?

--- I seemed ______ someone knock at the door.

A. to have heard     B. to be heard     C. to be hearing    D. having heard


9. It was on my way back home _______ my father made the promise ______ I can do well in next exam he will buy me Lu Xun Complete Works.

A. when; that           B. when; that if     C. that; why        D. that; that if

