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26. Every one of us must know: _____ we live can we save the earth.

  A. by changing the way only     B. only by changing the way

C. by only changing the way     D. by changing only the way


25. --Why does the river smell terrible?

--Because large quantities of water__________.

A. have polluted          B. is being polluted  

C. has been polluted         D. have been polluted


24. ---Two cheese burgers, please?


  ---I beg your pardon?

  ---I asked if you would like to eat here or take out?

  A. For here or to go          B. How about two drinks

  C. Do you have a reservation      D. May I ask you a favor


23. ______the lecturer more clearly, I arrived early and chose a front seat.

  A. Hear     B. Hearing    C. Heard     D. To hear


22. Compared with his sister, Peter is even more_______ to, and more easily troubled by, emotional and relationship problems.

  A. sceptical    B. addicted    C. accessible   D. sensitive



21. What I need is _____ book that contains ______ ABC of oil painting.

A.    a; the     B. the; /     C. the; an    D. a;the


24. 根据文意,仿照画线句的句式,用举例的方法扩展语句。(4分)

进入中学后,我瞄上了“大部头”的中外名著,它们成了我的良师益友,使我得到了无穷的美的享受:我时而在曲径通幽的大观园中流连                        时而在高大巍峨的巴黎圣母院前驻足                            

