0  251373  251381  251387  251391  251397  251399  251403  251409  251411  251417  251423  251427  251429  251433  251439  251441  251447  251451  251453  251457  251459  251463  251465  251467  251468  251469  251471  251472  251473  251475  251477  251481  251483  251487  251489  251493  251499  251501  251507  251511  251513  251517  251523  251529  251531  251537  251541  251543  251549  251553  251559  251567  447090 

15. It has been proved ___ eating vegetables in childhood helps to protect you against serious illnesses in later life.

 A. if           B. because         C. when               D. that


14. We went through a period ___ communications were very difficult in the rural areas.

A. which           B.   in which           C. whose       D. with which


13. The health official said ____ 12 suspected cases of influenza A(H1N1)were tested negative and ___, so far, this city has reported no case of the virus.

A. what; that      B. that; what    C. 不填; that     D. that; 不填


12. Ten years ago the population of our village was_________ that of theirs.

A. twice as much as           B. twice as large as

C. as twice large as           D. as twice much as


11. The newly-built skyscraper,      , is thought the first one in this city.

A.one hundred and twenty-five meters as high as

B.as one hundred and twenty-five meters as high

C.as high one hundred and twenty-five meters as

D.as high as one hundred and twenty-five meters


10. What lessons China can draw from      financial crisis(金融危机)in the United States has become      hot topic in Beijing.

A. the; a           B. a; a             C. /; the               D. the; /


9. The mother opened the door quietly so as not to ______ the sleeping baby.

A. upset          B. interrupt           C. disturb        D. release


8. -I didn’t know you were good friends.

-You   . I have known her since she moved here. You were studying abroad then.

A.may have     B.couldn’t have C. needn’t have  D.must have


7. I would appreciate ______, to be frank, if goods could be delivered as soon as possible.

A. you        B. this            C. myself          D. it


6. In 1948, three American scientists invented ______ transistor, which is ______ small electronic device to control an electric current.

A. the; a           B. a; a             C. the; the         D. a; the

