0  252359  252367  252373  252377  252383  252385  252389  252395  252397  252403  252409  252413  252415  252419  252425  252427  252433  252437  252439  252443  252445  252449  252451  252453  252454  252455  252457  252458  252459  252461  252463  252467  252469  252473  252475  252479  252485  252487  252493  252497  252499  252503  252509  252515  252517  252523  252527  252529  252535  252539  252545  252553  447090 

6. Tom searched carefully in the room _____ he might discover exactly what he needed.

A. in that           B. in order that

C. in case           D. even though


5.______, he knows well about his family history and dreams of being a writer in the future.

A To be a child        B A child as he is

C As a child          D Child as he is


4. -What are you going to do this afternoon?

- I will probably play computer games ________ my parents are out.

A. as far as         B. as long as

C. even if          D. as if


3. ________ you’ve got two film tickets, you may as well invite Mary to go with you tonight.

A Now that     B After all     C Although    D As soon as


2. These foreign teachers say they will go ________ they are needed to teach English after they arrive in China.

A. to place         B. to where

C. wherever         D. to matter where


1. It wasn’t long _______ the two daughters of President Obama got used to the life in the White House

A that       B before       C until     D and 


15. (白鹭洲中学2009高三下学期一模27)What impresses me most is ______ he appears in front of others, he wears a sincere and charming smile.

A.which      B.that     C.where    D that whenever

16(桂林中学2009届2月高三月考)You have to pass a driving test_____ you can get a license

 A before    B until    C when         D since

17 (西安中学2009级摸底考试英语试题15) Wait till I turn on my computer, _____ there is his telephone number.

A. there      B. where     C. which    D. in that

18(浙江省2009年英语高考模拟卷3)The zoo will have to close ________ the local government agrees to give extra money.

A. until       B. when     C. unless    D. if

19(浙江省2009年英语高考模拟卷11)-Could I use your dictionary?

-I’m sorry it isn’t here. I’d get it for you_______ I could remember who last borrowed it.

A. expect that          B. now that  

C. only if            D. even though

20(温州市2009学年第一学期十校联考11)Nowadays more and more people are advised to arrange for insurance _______ they or their family members need medical treatment. 

A so that            B. in order that   

C in case            D no wonder that

[一年原创]  2008和2009原创试题及其解析


14. (开封市2009届一模35)____ difficulties we meet, we can work them out. 

A. Whatever     B. However   C. Wherever  D. Whenever


13. (开封市2009届一模30). The meeting was expected to start at 9 o'clock but the manager didn't turn up ______ twenty minutes later. 

A. before    B. until      C. after   D. since


12.She found her calculator ________ she lost it.

A. where    B. when

C. in which   D. that

