0  252693  252701  252707  252711  252717  252719  252723  252729  252731  252737  252743  252747  252749  252753  252759  252761  252767  252771  252773  252777  252779  252783  252785  252787  252788  252789  252791  252792  252793  252795  252797  252801  252803  252807  252809  252813  252819  252821  252827  252831  252833  252837  252843  252849  252851  252857  252861  252863  252869  252873  252879  252887  447090 

29. So far a series of problems ____ brought about by this decision.

A. have         B. has          C. have been      D. has been


28. He has behaved in the most extraordinary way; I can’t _____ his actions at all.

A. allow for      B. agree with       C. account for      D. apply to


27. Fake medicines, some of which are made ____ of flour and sugar, can be found _____ in some rural areas of the country.

A. mostly; especially                B. almost; specially

C. most; especially                 D. mostly; extremely


26. – Peter has won $10,000.

– _____ He isn’t any happier.

A. What’s up?       B. So what?     C. What for?       D. None of my business.


25. I wish I could do something ____ the kindness I have received from him.

A. in search for       B. in favor of        C. in terms of       D. in return for


24. In the financial crisis of 2008, many countries adopted different policies to ____ economic growth.

A. prevent          B. promote     C. deliver          D. accumulate


23. Although I spoke slowly in my lecture, my meaning didn’t really _____, I’m afraid.

A. get across     B. get around       C. get through      D. get on


22. ____ I admit that the problems are difficult, I don’t agree that they can’t be solved.

A. As            B. When           C. While           D. Despite




21. In 1778, Banks was elected ____ president of the Royal Society, ____ position he held for 42 years.

A. the; the          B. /; a          C. a; a         D. /; the

