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43.The room ______ as a meeting room.

A. used to being used  B. was used to being used

C. used to be used  D. was used to be used


42.______ either you or I good at drawing?

A. Am  B. Are  C. Is  D. Do


41.The teacher asked ______ students to do homework ourselves.

  A. the  B. his  C. some  D. us


40.Tom is one of the people who ______ they are now.

A. from  B. like  C. with  D. as


39.______ has questions is welcome to ask.

A. Who  B. Anyone  C. Those  D. Anyone who


38.The teacher said ______ wanted to go to the cinema must be there before 6:00,

A. those who  B. that  C. who  D. which


37.The train ______ she was traveling was five minutes late.

A. that  B. on that  C. by which  D. on which


36.I have the same pen ______.

A. which you have  B. as yours  C. that you are  D. as you


35.The first school ______ we visited yesterday is not far from here.

A. that  B. which  C. to which  D. where


34.The number of people who ______ cars of their own is increasing.

A. has  B. have  C. there is  D. there are

