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13. _______, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week.

A. However the story is amusing    B. No matter amusing is the story

C. However amusing the story is    D. No matter how the story is amusing


12. ---_______.

---Yes. I agree with you. He is always clever.

A. He is too stupid to solve the problem

B. He can’t solve the problem

C. He is very wise not to solve the problem

D. He is too wise not to solve the problem


11. By reading the story, you may understand ___________ to be successful.

A. it takes what           B. you take what

C. what takes you          D. what it takes


10. As people want to ___________ their ideas ___________ quickly when talking on line, a lot of short forms are used.

A. get; through  B. get; over     C. get; across    D. get; out


9. Tom’s fame has spread well ___________ the walls of his college.

A. across     B. beyond     C. through     D. over


8. International football matches always_______ better understanding between

 countries all over the world.

A benefit from   B have advantage of    C make for     D reach for


7. As we have known from the map of the world, this is _______.

A. twice as large an island as that      B. twice as larger as that island

C. as twice large as that one        D. twice as a large island as that


6. A modern city has been set up ______there was a theatre two years ago.

A. where    B. what      C. that      D. which


5. I feel it is your husband who _______ for the spoiled child.

  A. is to blame  B. is going to blame  C. is to be blamed   D. should blame


4.---I didn’t take notes at yesterday’s meeting because I had left my pen at home.

---You _____ mine. I _________ it.

A.must have borrowed; wasn’t using  B.may have borrowed; didn’t use

C.could have borrowed; wasn’t using  D.should have borrowed; hadn’t used

