0  253641  253649  253655  253659  253665  253667  253671  253677  253679  253685  253691  253695  253697  253701  253707  253709  253715  253719  253721  253725  253727  253731  253733  253735  253736  253737  253739  253740  253741  253743  253745  253749  253751  253755  253757  253761  253767  253769  253775  253779  253781  253785  253791  253797  253799  253805  253809  253811  253817  253821  253827  253835  447090 

3.    体会数形结合的数学思想。


2.    会利用函数图像或单调性求函数的最值。


1.    通过对一些熟悉的函数的图像的观察、分析,理解函数的最大值、最小值的定义。


Dear Editor,

Recently several small shops around our school have started a new businesscalled“schoollottery”________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________     Yours sincerely.

____________Chen Hua


Dear Editor,

Recently several small shops around our school have started a new business called “school lottery”. The lottery is becoming more and more popular.

Each lottery ticket costs five jiao and lots of students get addicted to this game.Some students use their money which should be spent on food to buy the tickets and some even borrow money to join in the chance game.

   In my opinion,it is necessary to take measures to stop the game on campus.On one hand,the school should explain the harmful effects of lottery to students and make rules to forbid students to buy lottery tickets.On the other hand,the local government should punish shop owners who carry our such business among students.

   If both the school and the government cooperate in fighting it.I think the school lottery activity will be effectively stopped.

   Yours sincerely.

   Chen Hua

高 二 英 语 月 考

答   题   卡

单词拼写 (共15分)

51.________________   52._______________ 53._________________

54._______________   55.______________  56._________________

57.________________   58._______________ 59._________________

60._______________   61. ______________  62. _________________

63. ______________   64. ______________  65. _________________

短文改错 (共10 分)

66.________________   67._______________ 68._________________

69._______________   70.______________  71._________________

72.________________  73._______________  74._________________



73. that改为where  74.other 前的the去掉75. permit 改为permitted


70. as 改为that  71. it 改为them  72. ask后加for 


66. correct   67. wish改为wishes  68. more改为many  69. in 改为to 


61. exposed   62. announce  63. architecture  64. adjustment  65. statues


56. surroundings 57. convenient 58. arrange 59. delight  60. fastened

