0  253782  253790  253796  253800  253806  253808  253812  253818  253820  253826  253832  253836  253838  253842  253848  253850  253856  253860  253862  253866  253868  253872  253874  253876  253877  253878  253880  253881  253882  253884  253886  253890  253892  253896  253898  253902  253908  253910  253916  253920  253922  253926  253932  253938  253940  253946  253950  253952  253958  253962  253968  253976  447090 

35. Don’t repeat the story if their son ______ them all about it.     

A. tells              B. told            C. has told           D. will tell


34. The driver pressed the accelerator while he ______ have applied the brake.

A. could             B. would          C. might            D. should


33. I’m after a watch as ______ gift to my daughter, ______ one looking nice but not expensive.

A. a; the            B. a; 不填         C. the; the           D. 不填; a


32. --- What did you think of her oral English?                            

--- I was very ______.

A. impressed         B. inspired         C. addictive          D. admirable


31. He had his camera ready, ______ he saw something that would make a good picture.

A. in case           B. the moment      C. on condition        D. as if


30. I often think ______ my own business.                  

A. to start           B. starting         C. about starting       D. I start


29. Of all the subjects in arts he disliked English most, ______ he never learned well.

A. which            B. and            C. because           D. so


28. The reporters stayed in Xichang ______ the launch of Chang’e-1 was declared successful.

A. because           B. until            C. where            D. though


27. You see, trains are faster nowadays. That’s why he ______ much earlier than I’d expected.

A. has arrived         B. would arrive      C. had arrived         D. arrived

