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Maybe you know that the letter “V” stands for “Victory” in the western countries. 26  do you know the history of the sign?

During the World War II , Europe was ruled by the  27 .A lot of people fled to Britain. 28  was one Belgian  29  Victor Dalveli. He loved his motherland very much, and every day he  30  a shortwave radio to broadcast to the Belgian people,  31  them to fight against the enemies. On the last day of 1940,he asked his countrymen to  32  the letter “V” wherever they could to show their determination(决心)to win the final victory. In a few days the letter “V”  33  everywhere,  34  in the enemies’ barracks(兵营).

Later, the letter “V” spread  35  the other fallen countries in Europe.  36  it was simple and meaningful, it soon became very  37  .When they met,  38  put out their middle and index(食指)fingers to say hello to each other.

At that time, in some restaurants, knives and forks were  39  in such a way as to form a “V”.  40  in some clock shops, clocks were stopped at 11:05 to show the sign of “V”.

26.A.And           B. Besides    C. Because      D. But

27.A.Germany      B. Germen    C. Germans       D. Germens

28.A.Among it       B. Inside it    C. Among them    D. It

29.A.named           B. whose name  C. who named     D. naming

30.A.heard        B. listened    C. sent        D. used

31.A.called on     B. calling on    C. calling a    D. called at

32.A.read        B. say       C. write       D. find

33.A.appeared     B. was appeared  C. happened    D. was happened

34.A.besides           B. still      C. even        D. behind

35.A.outside           B. through    C. to         D. by

36.A.After          B. Because    C. When       D. Though

37.A.popular          B. interesting   C. excited       D. strange

38.A.Belgians       B. soldiers     C. friends      D. classmates

39.A.used      B. placed     C. bought         D. brought

40.A.And          B. But       C. For           D. Over  


23. Mr. White ___at 8:30 for the meeting , but he didn’t show up .

  A. should have arrived  B. should arrive

  C. should be arriving   D. arrived

24 --- Would you     my home? I have brought back many funny pictures. I’m sure you’ll like them.

  --- Thank you. I’ll go if I am free.

  A. come up  B. come over  C. come up to  D. go up to

25 --- Shall we go out for dinner tonight ?

  --- ______ .

  A. You’re right          B. It must be funny

  C. That sounds great      D. Have a nice time


22. Mother asked the youngest son ___ with his toy car .

  A. what the matter was  B. what was the matter

  C. what the matter is   D. what is the matter


21. The officer commanded that the wounded ___ to hospital right now .

  A. to be sent  B. should send  C. send  D. be sent


20. After the long journey , the three of them went back home , ___ .

  A. hungry and tiredly  B. hungry and tired

  C. hungrily and tiredly  D. hungrily and tired


19. Can you imagine the difficulty I had ____ these questions ?

  A. settled  B. to settle  C. settling  D. settle


18. Ten minutes has been made full ___ of ___ the problem .

  A. using , studying  B. use , to study  C. to use, to study  D. use , studying


17. ___ the website of the Fire Department in your city , and you will learn a lot about


  A. Having searched  B. To search  C. Searching  D. Search

