0  254354  254362  254368  254372  254378  254380  254384  254390  254392  254398  254404  254408  254410  254414  254420  254422  254428  254432  254434  254438  254440  254444  254446  254448  254449  254450  254452  254453  254454  254456  254458  254462  254464  254468  254470  254474  254480  254482  254488  254492  254494  254498  254504  254510  254512  254518  254522  254524  254530  254534  254540  254548  447090 

20. I ______your address, otherwise I______you long before.

  A. had forgotten,had visited      B.forgot, have visited  

 C. forgot,would have visited      D.have forgotten,would visit


19. The young man insisted that he______ these watches and______free.

   A. stole, set      B. had stolen, be set   C. steal, be set         D. had stolen; must be set


18.-Would you have told him the answer had it been possible?

  -I would have, but I ______so busy then.

  A. had been      B. were        C. was          D. would be


17.- It is rather cold here. Shall we light a fire?

  - No, we______because things are easy to catch fire.

  A. won’t        B. can’t         C. mustn’t        D. needn’t


16. Even though I’d hurt my leg, I______swim back to the river bank.

  A. could        B. might        C. had to         D. was able to


15. -Do you think he will do me a favor?

  - As far as I know, he is the last one to help others. He______be prepared to give you a hand, though.

  A. might       B. must         C. can          D. should


14. Hurry up,Tom.It’s high time we______ to the theater.

  A. will         B. shall         C. are going to       D. went


13. What ______ had Bob walked farther, as far as the river bank?

   A. would happen    B.could happen     C. would have happened   D.needn’t have happened


12. - What happened to the young trees we planted last week?

  -The trees______well, but I didn’t water them.

  A. might grow         B. needn’t have grown   C. would grow        D. would have grown


11.- I hear you’ve got a set of Australian coins. ______I have a look?

  - Yes, certainly.

  A. Do    B. May    C.Shall    D. Should

