0  254442  254450  254456  254460  254466  254468  254472  254478  254480  254486  254492  254496  254498  254502  254508  254510  254516  254520  254522  254526  254528  254532  254534  254536  254537  254538  254540  254541  254542  254544  254546  254550  254552  254556  254558  254562  254568  254570  254576  254580  254582  254586  254592  254598  254600  254606  254610  254612  254618  254622  254628  254636  447090 

11. -Look out, there is a bus ahead.

-Oh, dear, _________

A. I am not noticing it  B. I haven’t noticed it  C. I wasn’t noticing it   D. I had not noticed it


10. -Is there anything wrong with you, Jake? You look so pale.

-I feel very tired.I _____on this boring paper every day so far this month.

A.work            B.have been working   C.had been working     D.am working


9. 一Is there any possible way to help them get rid of such a bad habit?

一To tell the truth, it’s very hard.But we   on this problem.

A.worked         B.had worked       C.are working      D.had been working


8. What I wanted to know was when and where the meeting______.

A.was holding        B.had held         C.was to hold       D.was to be held


7. It is said that the meeting ______ for three hours. Why should I regret missing it?!

A. has lasted       B. has been lasting     C. lasted         D. had lasted


6. -Isn’t it a great surprise that I happened to meet my university English teacher at the South Bank Parkland last week?

-How long ____ you _____ each other, then?

A. hadn’t; seen     B. haven’t; seen             C. didn’t; see        D. don’t; see


5. Mr. Wang _____ table tennis well, though he suffers from a waist pain and _____ it for a long time.

A. played; has not played            B. plays; had not played

C. plays; did not play              D. plays; has not played


4. -Is Robert abroad ?

-I think so. He _____ for a better job, but he didn’t get it.

A.hopes     B.has hoped    C.was hoped       D.had hoped


3. We _______ dinner at six o’clock when JSTV _______ to show the film “If you are not the one”.

A. are having; will start                B. will be having; starts

C. have; will start                   D. will have had; starts


2.-This returned scholar has become one of the top experts in this field.

-Yes, I know him very well. He ______ for ten years at an institute in the USA.

A. has worked   B. had worked   C. worked     D. has been working

