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10.We were in _____ when we left that we forgot the airline tickets.

A.a rush so anxious  B.a such anxious rush  C.so an anxious rush  D.such an anxious rush


9. If there were no hungry problem, the people of the world should have ________ in their daily life.

A.a much happier time   B.a more happier time  C.the happier time  D.much happiest time


8.The big snow lasted five days.People trapped in the station were badly in_______ of food and water.

A.hope     B.search      C. want         D.charge


7.In some places in the South of China, ____car has already become___ popular means of transportation.

A. a; the     B.不填; a      C. the; a         D. the; the


6.Yao Ming as well as his teammates ______ hard to win honor for China these years.

A.work     B. are working    C. has been working    D. works


5.______ sunshine and rainfall ______ a good harvest of fruits and begetables this year.

A.A large quantity of ; promise     B.A large number of; promise

C.A large quantity of; promises     D.Large quantities of; promises


4.I think ________ good knowledge of English is ________ great help when you are traveling around the world.

A.不填;a      B. a; a      C. a; the       D. a; 不填


3.His composition was so confusing that I could hardly make any ________of it what’s over.

A.meaning    B.message     C. information     D.sense


2.There are certain _______when you have to interrupt people who are in the middle of doing something.

ces     B.situations     C.occasions      D.opportunities


1.Being able to speak another language well is a great _____ when you're looking for a job..

A.advantage   ce      C.assistant      D.importance

