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23.AIDS is said     the number one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that poor area, where no medical services are available.

    A.to be         B.to have been  C.being        D.having been


22.It is said that the weather will    cold for another three or four days.

    A.look          B.stay          C.last           D.get




21.We have every reason to beehive that     2010 World Expo in Shanghai will be    success.

    A./; a           B.the; /         C.the; a        D.a; a


35. ---Tom failed again!

  ---If he had spent as much as he _______ on computer games.

  A. has    B. had    C. did      D. would


34. We can go to the seven o’clock performance or the eight---________ suits you best.

A. whatever     B. whenever  C. however      D. whichever


33. --- You seemed to be deeply struck by his skill.

  --- Not exactly. It was his courage ________ his skill that really struck me most.

A. other than     B. as well as      C. but also     D. apart from


32. Susan's strong love for her country is ___ in her recently published poems.

A. relieved  B. reflected    C. responded      D. recovered


31. Some teenagers _______ their health because they often expose themselves to so many electric products.

A. have damaged   B. are damaging   C. damaged      D. will damage

