0  255738  255746  255752  255756  255762  255764  255768  255774  255776  255782  255788  255792  255794  255798  255804  255806  255812  255816  255818  255822  255824  255828  255830  255832  255833  255834  255836  255837  255838  255840  255842  255846  255848  255852  255854  255858  255864  255866  255872  255876  255878  255882  255888  255894  255896  255902  255906  255908  255914  255918  255924  255932  447090 

28.The construction of an economic zone to the west coast of the Taiwan Straits, _____ at present, will surely stimulate (刺激)the declining economy on both sides of the Straits.

  A.to be discussed      B.being discussed

  C.discussed     D.discussing


27.As is known to us all, failure usually________ laziness while diligence can ________ success.

   A.results from; lie in    B.results in; result from

   C.leads to; lie in         D.results from; result in


26.In the UK, the guests are expected to give presents to the newly–weds, ______ in Italy, the newly–weds are expected to give their guests presents as a souvenir to remember the big day.

   A.when  B.while  C.as  D.since


25.For some people, traveling abroad is the thing they enjoy most in life; for others, _______, cultural differences make them feel uncomfortable.

   A.though   B.even worse  C.what’s more   D.fortunately


24._________, my tears couldn’t help raining down my cheeks.

A.Hearing the touching news   B.Having heard the touching news

   C.After I heard the touching news  D.I had heard the touching news


23.Most experts predict that all these changes will lead to a strong and powerful China, ________ that can surprise the whole world.

A.what    B.one  C.the one    D.which


22.- Why don’t you take a taxi there? It’ll save you a lot of time.

   - _________.

  A.Thank you anyway!    B.Yes, let’s.

   C.Good idea!      D.That’s all right.


第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


21.X-rays were first discovered by _______ German scientist, Wilhelm K.Rontgen, in 1895, almost by ________ accident.

   A. the, /   B.a, an    C.a, /   D.the, the

