0  256890  256898  256904  256908  256914  256916  256920  256926  256928  256934  256940  256944  256946  256950  256956  256958  256964  256968  256970  256974  256976  256980  256982  256984  256985  256986  256988  256989  256990  256992  256994  256998  257000  257004  257006  257010  257016  257018  257024  257028  257030  257034  257040  257046  257048  257054  257058  257060  257066  257070  257076  257084  447090 

1.下列加点字的读音完全正确的是(   )

   A.(huò)稀泥    (gú)气    土 (pī)     脚 (diǎn)  

B.船(wū)     (jiàn)隔     (fú)除     扶(chān)

   C.呶呶(náo)不休   骨(suǐ)    (ē)胶    (yàn)茶

   D.(pá)窗而入   堰(sè)湖   (yìn)井   豆(chǐ)


第三节 书面表达 (满分30分)


示意图说明:1.①-④篮球场(basketball court);⑤餐厅;⑥学生宿舍 ;⑦老师宿舍;⑧和⑨花坛(flower bed)




















第二节  短文改错(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)

如无错误,在所给的横线上划一个对号;  如有错误,则按下列情况改正:


Sitting here in my room, I often think of my childhood.

We used to live on a small farm. It was very far from the town        76. ___________

that there were no electricity, so we had to use oil lamps. We         77. ___________

often get up at six o’clock in the morning in order to catch           78. ___________

the school bus. On cold winter mornings, I remembered, we         79. ___________

would jump out bed to the bathroom, where we would wash         80. ___________

our faces with cold water and get dressing as quickly as possible.       81. ___________

Mother would always prepare hot food for breakfast which we        82. ___________

liked to eat it before rushing out into the darkness outside. The        83. ___________

school bus was usually waiting us when we arrived. We would         84. ___________

jump into the bus with having blue noses and frozen fingers.        85. __________


第一节  单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


66. Will you join them in buying the things if you see many ________(顾客) gathering?


67. Hard working      (条件)are a test to one’s character.       67.      

68. Experts are     (乐观)about the future economy in China.      68.      

69. She is my best friend and she ____(安慰) me whenever I am unhappy. 69.      

70. If the rain _______(继续), we will have to cancel tonight’s plans.     70.      

71. The ocean and seas ________(包围) the islands are deep blue.         71.      

72. He e     to us how the machine was used.          72.      

73. Time is so p    that you must make full use of it.         73.      

74. It is well known that China is a large a______country.              74.      

75. The park, d______ into two sections along a stream, will have a couple of small bridges built over the stream.                                              75.      

