0  257059  257067  257073  257077  257083  257085  257089  257095  257097  257103  257109  257113  257115  257119  257125  257127  257133  257137  257139  257143  257145  257149  257151  257153  257154  257155  257157  257158  257159  257161  257163  257167  257169  257173  257175  257179  257185  257187  257193  257197  257199  257203  257209  257215  257217  257223  257227  257229  257235  257239  257245  257253  447090 

27. You see, trains are faster nowadays. That’s why he ______ much earlier than I’d expected.

A. has arrived        B. would arrive     C. had arrived        D. arrived


26. --- Perhaps we could invite some of our junior school friends to our party.

--- ______

A. Yes, why not?      B. Sure, no problem. C. Oh, never mind.  D. Well, go ahead.


25. This intelligent house is very comfortable ______.           

A. living in          B. to live in it       C. to be lived in     D. to live in


24. I have decided to recommend you ______ the directorship.     

A. to               B. for            C. with           D. by


23. Now, ______ were we? Oh yes, we were talking about John.   

A. how             B. where          C. what           D. who


22. What shall we use for power when all the oil in the world has ______?      

A. given out  B. put out  C. held up    D. used up




21. -Good morning , May I help you ?

-Oh, thank you. I’m just looking around.


A. Thanks for coming to see me .  B. How are you feeling today?

C. I’ll write you a check right now.  D. Take your time , then.

