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3. –你长大时想成为什么?-- What do you want to be when you grow up?

--我想成为一名演员。-- I want to be an actor because it’s interesting.


练:-- What do you want to _______, Susan?  -- A reporter.  (082七下期末考)

A. be   B. do   C. have   D. make


2. –你在哪里工作?-- Where do you work?  --我在医院工作。-- I work in a hospital.


1. –你是干什么的?-- What do you do?   --我是一名医生。-- I’m a doctor.

询问“职业”的另两种问法:① What’s your job?

② What are you?


18. 小偷:thief  复数:thieves  变化规则:去f加ves.

Unit4 I want to be an actor.


17. 树叶:leaf  复数:leaves  变化规则:去f加ves;


16. (1) kind(s) of  n. 种类;  如:There are many kinds of anmals in the zoo.

What kind of noodles would you like?

(2) kind of = a little  adv. 有点;(无形式变化)  如:He is kind of lazy.

(3) kind  adj. 和蔼的,友善的;  如:It’s kind of you to help me with my English.


15. (1) very  adv. 非常(放在形容词前);  如:The koalas are very cute.

(2) very much  非常(放在动词后);  如:Thank you very much.


14. (1) best  adv. 最;  如:Why do you like koalas best?

(2) best  adj. 最好的;  如:Who do you think is the best teacher in your class?


13. (1) first  num. 第一;  如:Sunday is the first day of a week.

(2) first  adv. 首先;首先:at first  如:Let’s see the koalas first.


12. 汉语:因为…,所以…  英语:because…, so… (不能同时出现在一个句子中)

汉语:虽然…,但是…  英语:though…, but… (只能使用其中一个)

如:_______ Tom is tired, _______ he wants to have a food rest.

A. Because, so   B. Though, but   C. /, so   D. /, but

