0  258442  258450  258456  258460  258466  258468  258472  258478  258480  258486  258492  258496  258498  258502  258508  258510  258516  258520  258522  258526  258528  258532  258534  258536  258537  258538  258540  258541  258542  258544  258546  258550  258552  258556  258558  258562  258568  258570  258576  258580  258582  258586  258592  258598  258600  258606  258610  258612  258618  258622  258628  258636  447090 

3. ①They are talking about the tall boy with curly hair.   (with翻译为“有着”)

(句中已经有了动词talking about,表达“有着”不能再用动词has)

②比较:The tall boy has curly hair.   (无They are talking about, 表达“有着”用动词has)

练:(1) Jim lives in a small house _________ (有着) an interesting garden.

(2) Do you remember John, a pop singer __________ (戴着) funny glasses?

(3) Do you know the tall man _________ (有着) a big nose?


2. 她有一点点胖:She is a little bit heavy.  (heavy是形容词,前用be动词)

①一点点+形容词:a little bit+形容词 = a little+形容词 = a bit+形容词;

②一点点+名词:a little+名词 = a bit of+名词;

如:His hair is a little long. = His hair is a bit long.

He can speak a little English. = He can speak a bit of English.


1. –他看起来长得怎么样?-- What does he look like?  (有look,用does/do)

--他很高,而且他有短的卷头发。-- He is very tall, and he has short curly hair.

① 同义句:-- What is he like?  (只有like,用is)  (用is,like翻译问“像”)

区别:-- What does he like?  他喜欢什么?(用does,like翻译为“喜欢”)

② 区别比较:(1) 他是中等高度/身材:He is of medium height/build. (是of, 前用be动词)

(2) 他有中等高度/身材:He has a medium height/build.(是a, 前用have/has)


20. 学习:study   三单:studies  (以辅音字母+y结尾的,去y加ies)

海滩:beach  复数:beaches  (以s, x, ch, sh结尾的,加es)

Unit7 What does he look like?  对“外表”提问


19. (天气)晴朗的:sunny = fine = nice

如:Today is sunny. = Today is fine. = Today is nice.


18. 围围巾:(单数) wear a scarf  (复数) wear scarves


17. 在这种热度下:in this heat


16. 打沙滩排球:play beach volleyball


15. 拍照片:(单数) take a photo  (复数) take photos


14. 在度假:on vacation   度假:have a vacation

