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8. “肯定句”的两者或两者以上用“and”连接:I’d like dumplings and orange juice.

“否定句”的两者或两者以上用“or”连接:I don’t like green tea or porridge.


7. some+不可数名词(无复数,不能加s),作句子主语时,动词用“三单”。


练:(1) Some chicken _______ (be) in the bowl. Some eggs _______ (be) on the table.

(2) I’d like some _______ and _______.

A. porridge, vegetables  B. beef, tomato  C. French fries, orange juices


6. 特色菜一15个饺子只要10元\:Special 1 is just(only) 10RMB for 15 dumplings.


5. 那是全部吗?好了吗?完了吗?-- Is that all?


4. 我要买它:I’ll take it.   (此处的“买”不能用buy,只能用take)


3. --你想吃些东西吗?-- Would you like something to eat?

--(接受)好的:-- Yes, please. 或Yes, I’d like/love to.  不能用:Yes, I would.

(拒绝)不,谢谢。-- No, thanks.

练:-- Would you like some tea?  -- ________.

A. Yes, I would   B. Yes, please   C. No, I don’t   D. No, please


2. 餐厅英语:

--我能帮您吗?-- Can I help you? = What can I do for you? = What would you like?

--我想要一些面条。-- I’d like some noodles.  (I’d = I would)

–你想要什么种类的面?-- What kind of noodles would you like?

--我想要牛肉番茄面。-- I’d like beef and tomato noodles.  (注意用“单数”)

–你想要多大碗的面?-- What size bowl of noodles would you like?

--我想要一中碗面。-- I’d like a medium bowl of noodles.  (一中碗…)

什么种类:What kind  什么尺寸:What size

一大/小碗面条:a large/small bowl of noodles


1. --你想要什么?-- What would you like? = What do you want?

--我想要一些面条:-- I’d like some noodles. = I want some noodles.

句型:想要某东西:would like sth = want sth   (后跟名词,不加to)

想要做某事:would like to do sth = want to do sth  (后跟动词,加to)

练:(1) Do you want ________?

A. speak English  B. to the new pants  C. ho home  D. to go to school

(2) Would you like ________ (drink) some green tea?


15. (1) like  v. 喜欢;  如:What does he like?

(2) like  prep. 像;  如:What is he like?

Unit8 I’d like some noodles.


14. (1) look  v. 看起来;  如:He looks like his father.

(2) look  prep. 外表;  如:He has a new look.

