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5.it’s in the city_______you are going to pay a visit to_______this kind of beer is produced.

  A./;where      B.where;that    C./;that      D.that;which


4.It was not what he said but______he ________said it that hurt my feelings.

  A.that       B.what      C.how       D.whether


3.-How is the man injured in the earthquake?

-The doctor said if______in a proper way,he was likely to be saved.

A.treated     B.treating     C.is treated     D.to be treated


2.So hard________that he can go to an ideal university.

  A.studied Tom    B.did Tom study    C.does Tom study   D.studies Tom


1.At no time,as we know,______forget that solving Taiwan Issue is entirely internal Chinese affair.

  A.we can        B.we could      we     D.could we



Long live the People’s Republic of China!




Present at the meeting was Mr. Green, a headmaster.(形容词短语)

Such was the story he told me.(代词)

East of the city lies a new railway. (副词短语)

First to be completed was the seven-storey teaching building. (不定式短语)

Gone are the days when my heart was young and gay. (过去分词)

Lying on the floor was a boy aged 15. (现在分词短语)


4.表示地点的介词短语 (如on the wall, under the tree, in front of the house,in the middle of the room等)放在句首时,要全部倒装。

On the top of the hill stands a pine tree.

In front of the classroom is a playground.

They arrived at a house, in front of which sat an old man.


Near the church ________ cottage.

A.was such an old   B.had a so old  C.was such old a   D.is so an old



3.表示方向的副词out, in, up, down等置于句首,要用全部倒装。但主语是代词时部分倒装。

In came Mr White.

Up went the arrow into the air.

Away went the boy.


①Out ________, with a stick in his hand.

A. did he rush   B. rushed he   C. he rushed  D. he did rush

②________ from the top of the building when the policeman pointed the gun at him.

A.Jumped down the robber     B.Jumped the robber down

C.Down jumped the robber     D.Down the robber jumped



2.“Here, There, Now, Then + come (或be等) + 主语” 结构


Here comes the old lady!

Then came the hour we had been looking forward to.

There comes the bus.

Now comes your turn.


Here you are.

There she comes.


There ________. And here ________.

A.goes the phone; she comes       B.is the phone going; is she

C.does the phone go; does she come    D.the phone goes; come she


