0  258679  258687  258693  258697  258703  258705  258709  258715  258717  258723  258729  258733  258735  258739  258745  258747  258753  258757  258759  258763  258765  258769  258771  258773  258774  258775  258777  258778  258779  258781  258783  258787  258789  258793  258795  258799  258805  258807  258813  258817  258819  258823  258829  258835  258837  258843  258847  258849  258855  258859  258865  258873  447090 

5.已知为非零向量,函数,则使的图象为关于轴对称的抛物线的一个必要不充分条件是(  )w_w w. k#s5_

    A.           B.            C.         D.


4.在正方体中,M、N为棱AB与AD的中点,则异面直线MN与BD1所成角的余弦值是(  ) w_w*w._k s_5@

    A.           B.              C.            D.w_w*w._k s_5@


3.已知,则的值是(  )w_w w. k#s5_

    A.            B.             C.w_w*w._k s_5@              D.


2.已知Z是纯虚数,是实数,则(  )

    A.2i              B.i               C.i             D.2i


1.已知集合,则(  )

    A.           B.           C.               D.


30.We must apply what we have learned to our daily work because in no case_______from practice.

A.should theory separate       B.should theory be separated

C.theory should separate       D.theory should be separated


29.Little    that danger in the earthquake when they were busy saving their students.

A.the teachers realized       B.the teachers didn’t realize

C.didn’tthe teachers realize      D.did the teachers realize


28.-Where was it ___   _ the earthquake broke out yesterday ?   -In an Italian city.

A.where      B.which     C.how       D.that


27.I don't remember how many years ago ______ people began to grow crops.

A. it was when     B. it was that     C. was it when    D. was it that


26.-You should have thanked the hostess before leaving.

-I meant    . But I couldn’t find her when I was leaving.

A.to do    B.to       C.doing     D.doing so

