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5、从下列各项中选出没有语病的一项(   )

A. 据悉,中国27家广告公司已向谷歌发信,要求谷歌如撤离中国市场就要有关赔偿问题进行谈判。

B. 在发达国家,“智囊团”是一种相对稳定的、独立于政府决策机制的政策研究和咨询机构,现如今它已成为影响政策决策科学化和推动社会发展的一支重要力量。

C. 西南地区旱情极为严重。气象部门预报,预计未来几天西南旱区将虽然有下雨天气出现,但重旱区仍无有效降水,旱情仍将持续,损失会继续增加,抗旱救灾的难度也会进一步加大。对此,必须有心理准备和清醒认识。



3、下列各句中,加点的词语使用恰当的一项是(   )

A. 一座占地面积相当于600个足球场,融商务贸易、金融会展等功能于一体的地下城刚刚经过专家论证,预计6月初破土动工。

B. 宴会过程中,面对造访的宾客,她真诚表示:无论他们在此地开展哪方面的工作,她都会鼎力相助


D. 最近很多媒体指出,以色列之所以敢于在加沙“大开杀戒”,滥杀无辜,其根源是美国的一味袒护,甚至是暗送秋波


2、下列词语中,没有错别字的一组(   )

A. 缅怀     发轫     指手画脚     胶柱鼓瑟

B. 纹身     顷刻     准备就绪     兴高采烈

C. 慑服     照像     严惩不贷     过渡地带

D. 剽窃     精典     条分缕析     表情达义


1、下列词语中加点字读音正确的一组是(   )

A. 罗(qí)    油(jú)      序(xiáng)  铢必较(zī)

B. 偻(gōu)   笨(pēi)   孝(tì)   得鱼忘(quán)

C. 青(xìng)   付(zǐ)     蹰(zhī)   长歌哭(dàng)

D. 或(jiàn)   新(zhēng)  菜(wèng)  胼手足(zhī)



    假如你是一名高三学生。请根据以下要点给CHINA DAILY写一篇英语短文,谈谈你对高三生活的想法。

    1.对获得的帮助表示感谢     2.消除与同学之间的误会

    3.努力学习,实现人生梦想    4.对学弟、学妹的建议


    1. 可适当加入细节,以使行文连贯;


High school is regarded as the best time in a person's life. As a senior 3 student, it won't take long before I graduate.


Text 1

W: This must be the first time you’ve been aboard a warship?

M: Don’ t you know that I’ve been in army service in the Navy for years?

Text 2

M: It’s going to be really hot tomorrow . Let’s go to the beach.

W: OK . But we’ll have to leave very early, or else we’ll get caught in the traffic.

Text 3

M: How did your American teacher spend his summer vacation?

W: On the sixth day he visited Japan and stayed there for two days . He spent six days in China and went to Europe .

Text 4

M: Hi, Jane , sorry to take you away from the kitchen, but it seems as if something has come up. Stacey’s off to New York, so do you know who might replace her?

W: That’s a tough one but I’ll certainly keep an eye out for someone .

Text 5

W: Is John around ?

M: He might be in the meeting room.

W: Can you tell him that the supervisor wants to see him as soon as possible?

Text 6

M: could you speak to Marina ,please ?

W: Marina? There’s no one by that name here. I’m afraid you’ve got the wrong number.

M: Wrong number? Is this the computer center ?

W: No, I’m sorry , it isn’t . This is the self-access language center .

M: Oh , I’m sorry to bother you. Could you tell me how to get the operator?

W: Yeah, just dial number “9”  if you are on the campus . Otherwise , phone in again .

M: Thank you very much .

Text 9

W: Come in ,please . I’m Dr. Evans.

M: I’m Carl Mathews.

W: Have a seat. What’s seems to be the problem ?

M: I’ve lost a little weight recently, and I don’t seem to have as much energy . My head and stomach was killing me yesterday. I felt feverish , and I thought I ate something bad because I had runs.

W: Everything was fine in your last checkup 3 months ago. Are you eating OK? Do you bring anything up?

M: I’m eating fine , more or less . Last night , I thought I was going to vomit.

W: Do you sleep well ?

M: Not quite well . This morning I felt too sick to even get out of bed .

W: OK. I am going to run a series of tests. First of all, could you stick this under your arm? And I’d like to take your temperature . OK. And could you roll your sleeves up? Everything seems to be OK? Any other symptoms ?

W: No, nothing I can think of . I must say that things have been quite tiresome around the office recently.

W: I think you may have a touch of flu that’s going around. And you do seem a little tired . I’ll give you a flu shot and I recommend you take some vitamins. Try to take it easier at work for a while , too.

M: Thanks, doctor.

W: You are welcome . [

