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25. In time of war, different parties tend to ______ their political differences to fight against foreign invaders shoulder to shoulder.

    A. pick up          B. set aside          C. relate to              D. give away


24. Not far from the school there was a garden,     owner seated in it playing chess with his little grandson every afternoon.

    A. its              B. whose              C. which               D. that


23. -I     it as must of a student that he should say hello to his teachers first whenever they meet.

    -I can’t agree more.

    A. take                B. look                C. think                   D. make


22. The performance will be given next week. You can go to the student union    tickets.

    A. for              B. in                  C. by                D. on


第一节  单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)

21. Appointed as _____ ambassador to the UN, he was determined to serve his country _____ heart and soul.

A. /; /                 B. the; the              C. an; the               D. the; a


38.(32分)材料一  作为一个多民族聚居地区,新疆有13个世居民族、47个民族成分。千百年来,生活在这里的各族人民亲如兄弟、休戚与共。新中国成立后,党和政府确立了民族区域自治制度,让世代生活于此的各族人民真正成为这片土地的主人。

材料二  新疆维吾尔自治区成立以来,在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,制定了一系列适合新疆实际情况的政策措施,新疆把中央的精神与新疆的区情实际结合起来,把外地的经验与新疆的具体实践结合起来,大力发展特色经济。新疆各族人民自力更生、艰苦奋斗,实现了新疆经济社会的跨越式发展。

材料三  乌鲁木齐“7·5”事件,给当地各族群众生命财产造成重大损失,给当地正常秩序和社会稳定造成严重破坏,它所反映出的绝不是什么民族矛盾,而是一起由境内外“三股势力”精心策划和组织的严重暴力犯罪事件。稳定是福,动乱是祸;团结是福,分裂是祸。我们要高举民族团结的旗帜,倍加珍惜各民族共同团结奋斗的大好局面。


(2)结合材料二,简述新疆实现跨越式发展所体现的哲学道理。 (8分)


