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81. How many kinds of animals have scientists put copies of human gene into?

  ( no more than 1word )



70.Which of the following statement is TRUE ?

  A.Miller succeeded in the field that he has never majored in.

  B.Miller had lot of movie performance experiences when he was in college.

  C.His only performance experience in university made him move to Hollywood.

  D.Miller was chosen to play a role in Prison Break because he is a thoughtful and shy guy.



Direction: Reading the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks with no more than three words for each answer that best fits the passage.

Blood Drive at Civic Center

    The local university blood center had a blood drive today at the Civic Center auditorium. Almost 300 people showed up, but about 50 were turned away for various medical reasons. Fifty others left because the lines were moving so slowly. The event concluded at 6 pm, three hours after the scheduled close. It was a long day for everyone-administrators, nurses, and donors. But there were plenty of chairs and tables, and many people brought their own books, magazines, or newspapers.

    The first thing the donors had to do, of course , was fill out the donor registration and screening form. When they finished filling out the form, they waited until a nurse called them to her desk. The average adult body contains 8 to 12 pints of blood. Donors can give one pint at a time. It takes your body 2 to 4 weeks to replace this amount. Most donors filled up the pint bag within 5 to 10 minutes.

    Before leaving, the donors received a sheet of instructions including: Do not lift any heavy objects for 12 hours. Leave your pressure bandage on for 2~3 hours. Do not smoke for at least 30 minutes. Avoid alcohol for the rest of the day. Do not do any laborious activity for 24 hours.

    “I wish I could hug and kiss all the volunteers that are here today,” said Martha, the blood center donor recruiter. “Many donors underestimate the importance of what they’re doing. They think it is no big deal, but it is a big deal. Their blood is actually saving lives, helping other people to live, which will lead to a more harmonious society. We cannot thank them enough for that, nor can the recipients(接受者).”


Direction: Read the following passage and answer the questions according to the imfomation you get in the passage and the required words limit.

    Agricultural scientists in the United States have put a copy of a human gene into pigs, sheep and rabbits. They report that the gene seems to be working in some of the animals. The gene that the scientists are using controls the production of human growth hormone(荷尔蒙), a chemical necessary for growth.

  They are using the human gene because it has been more closely studied than any other growth gene. The scientists hope their work will someday result in food animals that grow faster and larger or produce more milk or eggs. The research is being done by scientists at the University of Pennsylvania, the University of Washington and the United States Department of Agriculture. The scientists put copies of human growth hormone into the fertilized (受精的) eggs of the female animals. When baby animals were born from the eggs, the scientists looked for evidence that the human gene had become part of the animal’s genetic material. They examined almost 200 baby pigs and found the gene in 20 of them. They found it in 28 of more than 200 rabbits, but it was in only one of 73 baby sheep. The scientists said they found the human growth chemical produced by the gene in some of the animals.

  It is too soon to know if the animals will pass the human growth gene into their young, proving that the gene has become part of their genetic material. Similar research with mice two years ago produced a new kind of mouse that is two times larger than normal. The scientists hope the same thing will happen with farm animals. They say their research will permit other gene transplants that can give animals defense against diseases, or let them live in very hot or very cold places. American farmers already use chemical hormones to increase the size of cattle and the amount of milk they produce. But they have to put the hormones into the cows. If the gene transplants are fully successful, the cow’s body will produce growth hormone.


69.Which of the following is put in the right order ?

  a. Miller did not act in any of the films or TV shows in Hollywood.

  b. Miller worked as a lowly production assistant.

  c. Miller played a role in the drama "Dinotopia".

  d. Miller joined in his university's singing group.

  A. dabc          B. abcd             C. bacd           D. dcba


68.What's the closest meaning of the underlined sentence "it all paid off for Miller in the end"?

  A.Miller put a lot of effort for his final success.

  B.Miller had to pay a lot of money for his graduation.

  C.Miller got a lot of money and gained his reputation at last.

  D.Miller finally succeeded even though he has been in low position.


67.The author thinks "Miller is a hard guy to figure out" because _______.

  A.Miller is an unfriendly man to cooperate with   B.he is of a special family background

  C.he has a different life experience from the others  D.both B&C


66.What do you think the text is mainly about?

  A.What kind person Michael Scofield is.  

  B.Miller's unusual path to fame and fortune.

  C.Why Fox's Prison Break became a huge hit.

  D.How special Miller is in the entertainment field.











