0  262194  262202  262208  262212  262218  262220  262224  262230  262232  262238  262244  262248  262250  262254  262260  262262  262268  262272  262274  262278  262280  262284  262286  262288  262289  262290  262292  262293  262294  262296  262298  262302  262304  262308  262310  262314  262320  262322  262328  262332  262334  262338  262344  262350  262352  262358  262362  262364  262370  262374  262380  262388  447090 

42. It takes more time to go there by ship than by bus. It’s _______ by train of the three.

  A. faster      B. the fastest  C. fast    D. much fast


41. I hear that he will be back _______ two weeks’ time.

  A. at        B. in       C. after    D. for


40. He asked me _______.

  A. whom I was chatting with   B. where am I with my friend

 C. when would I go home     D. if I have finished my homework


39.  This is the doctor _______ saved the boy’s life.

  A. which       B. who       C. whom    D.  /


38. He hardly hurt himself in the accident, _______?

  A. doesn’t he    B. didn’t he   C. does he   D. did he


37. --- When _______ he _______ for London?

--- The day before yesterday. He _______ for two days.

  A. did, leave; has been away    B. has, left; has left  

 C. did, leave; has left       D. will, leave; is leaving


36. --- Joe has been in Meizhou for three months.

   --- _______.

  A. So has I  B. So I do  C. So have I     D. So I am


35. What’s your _______ for being late again?

  A. idea     B. excuse   C. key        D. news


34. Work hard, _______ you will fail in the exam.

  A. or      B. and    C. so         D. but


33. --- Look! Project Hope (希望工程) is helping the village build a school.

  --- Yes. It _______ before September this year.

 A. finishes   B. has finished   C. will finish  D. will be finished

