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11.Yi Jianlian, a promising new star, said goodbye to CBA for NBA and is ready to ________ in a new world of basketball.

    A.take off        B.get off         C.turn off        D.come off


10.It is believed that health problems are closely connected with bad eating habits and a _______

   of exercise.

    A.limit          B.need          C.lack           D.demand


9.All her time __________ experiments, she has no time for films.

    A.devoted to do                    B.devoted to doing

    C.devoting to doing                 D.is devoted to doing


8.-The accident might not have happened if we had been more careful.

-But we ____________ at that time.

    A.don’t         B.didn’t        C.hadn’t        D.weren’t


7.Like some of my classmates, I cannot live up to my teachers’ expectations; ______I let them down. 

    A.in other words                   B.after all

    C.what’s more                    D.more or less


6.___________ she was sick I was expected to take her place greatly surprised me, for I didn’t have much work experience.

    A.If that         B.That           C.That if         D.If


5.Only ticket-holders were __________ to the stadium for the concert given by Jay Chou, so many of his fans were turned away.

    A.allowed        B.permitted       C.agreed         D.admitted


4.-They say Philip’s brother is a rich business man.

-____________? Philip wouldn’t accept any help from his brother, even if it were offered.

    A.What if        B.What for       C.So what        D.For what


3.-Is John coming by train?

-He __________, but he can’t. All the trains have been cancelled because of the snow.

    A.may           B.will           C.must          D.should


2.During the flight to the Moon, Chang’e I Satellite gradually__________ her directions so that she can go into her programmed orbit.

    A.adjusts         B.adopts         C.adapts         D.accepts

