0  263409  263417  263423  263427  263433  263435  263439  263445  263447  263453  263459  263463  263465  263469  263475  263477  263483  263487  263489  263493  263495  263499  263501  263503  263504  263505  263507  263508  263509  263511  263513  263517  263519  263523  263525  263529  263535  263537  263543  263547  263549  263553  263559  263565  263567  263573  263577  263579  263585  263589  263595  263603  447090 

36. A. in a word      B. more or less          C. at length             D. in short


34. It has been announced recently that all the schools ________ not have the students attend school if the students have high temperatures.

A. need        B. shall       C. could       D. ought to


33. The famous singer is traveling across the country, ___________ her new album.

A. classifying         B. expanding     C. increasing            D. promoting


32. Jerry rushed home   ___  he heard the news, only  ____  that his wife was gone.

A. as soon as; finding                        B. immediately; to find

C. the moment; find                 D. when; found


31. --- Do you know him?

--- Yes, but I can’t remember ___________I met him for the first time.

A. where       B. what        C. that            D. if


30. I dislike _________ in the summer when the weather is hot and dry.

A. this       B. that      C. one      D. it


29. In 1778, Banks was elected president of _______Royal Society, ________position he held for 42 years

A. /, a       B. the, a       C. /, a       D. the, the


28. Some girls are now busy preparing for the coming 2010 “Super Girls” competition, in hopes of getting a “Pass” card at their first _______.

A. purpose      B. performance      C. attempt      D. desire


27. On October 1, the national flag looks expecially beautiful __________ the blue sky.

A. against       B. on       C. towards        D. beyond

