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12. The Chinese are looking forward to the first _______to land on the moon after three Chinese astronauts’ successful trip to space.       

 A. measure      B. attempt     C. purpose     D. desire


11. Suddenly we felt the _________atmosphere grow tense as neither of the sides would give in.

A. atmosphere       B. state            C. situation       D. phenomenon


10. Quite a few employees’ payments are cut down and barely cover their household ________ due to the serious economic crisis.

 A. bills        B. expenses     C. prices      D. charges


9. It is a spectacular __________ as the fireworks are set off and light up the who sky during the Spring Festival.

 A. look        B. view      C. scenery      D. sight


6. The research showed beyond ________ that smoking contributes to heart diseases.

 A. wonder      B. doubt      C. problem     D. use

7 Would you take my old TV in _______ for this camera?

 A. place       B. return      C. exchange    D. business

8 Faced with the hard financial ____________, all the countries in the world should learn to cooperate to get it over.

  A. situation      B. position     C. phenomenon   D. state


5.--- Waiter, could we have_____ bill, please?

 ----Darling, don’t forget to leave____ tip.

A. a; the       B. a; 不填     C. the; 不填    D. the; a


4. --- Do you often listen to _____ radio?

  ----No, in fact I haven’t got____ radio.

A. a; the        B. 不填; a     C. the; a      D. the; the


3. People think that ______ opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games is _____ great success.

A. an; a       B. the ; a      C. the ;the     D. the ; X


2.---John, there is_____ Mr. Wilson on the phone for you.

 ---- I’m in____ bath.

 A. a; the       B. the; a      C. a; 不填     D. 不填;  不填


1.I heard you have______ vacant position for a secretary. I’ve come to apply for _____job.

A.the; a        B.a; the       C.不填; a      D.a; 不填

