0  264408  264416  264422  264426  264432  264434  264438  264444  264446  264452  264458  264462  264464  264468  264474  264476  264482  264486  264488  264492  264494  264498  264500  264502  264503  264504  264506  264507  264508  264510  264512  264516  264518  264522  264524  264528  264534  264536  264542  264546  264548  264552  264558  264564  264566  264572  264576  264578  264584  264588  264594  264602  447090 

30.In the past the respect for teachers was driven by the belief    they were reliable sources of knowledge.

     A.what             B.that              C.why              D.whether


29.The police suspected him of carrying drugs so they     his bag, but found nothing.

     A.looked up         B.turned in          C.searched for      D.went through


28.Canada has vast areas of wildness, from the Arctic north,      average winter temperatures are usually minus 20 degrees centigrade, to the 8892 – kilometer – long border

        the USA in the south

     A.where; with       B.which; /           C.where; /          D.which; with


27.With home – schooling growing quickly in the United States, nobody knows exactly how many American children      at home.

     A.will teach         B.taught            C.are being taught  D.are teaching


26.      you have got your license, why not drive the car yourself?

     A.Every since        B.Now that         C.Even though      D.As long as


25.The latest survey,      by , found more than 12 percent of teenagers want to work as pilots.

     A.to be carried out                       B.being carried out

     C.carried out                             D.having been carried out


24.Was it when he was taking the driving test     he ran into a pig in the street?

     A.where            B.when             C.that              D.how


23.He was robbed last night, but     he didn’t have much on him then.

     A.fortunately        B.eventually        C.certainly          D.surprisingly


22.I think a cold drink can     you after your long hot journey.

     A.recover           B.reward           C.relieve            D.refresh



21.The girl devoted all her spare time she had     others.

     A.to help            B.helped            C.to helping         D.help

