0  264564  264572  264578  264582  264588  264590  264594  264600  264602  264608  264614  264618  264620  264624  264630  264632  264638  264642  264644  264648  264650  264654  264656  264658  264659  264660  264662  264663  264664  264666  264668  264672  264674  264678  264680  264684  264690  264692  264698  264702  264704  264708  264714  264720  264722  264728  264732  264734  264740  264744  264750  264758  447090 

29. John’s ability to learn from observations and experience___________ greatly to his success in public life.

    A.owed B.attached  C.related      D.contributed


28. Good news came that Nancy decided to donate blood to Dan Hens, and the results of the medical tests came in: She was a__________.

    A.suit     B.fit       C.match    D.mate


27. ___________in the study lost in thought for a long time, I suddenly realized that nothing in the world remains __________.

  A. Having sit; unchanged         B. To sit; unchanging

C. Sitting; unchanged          D. Sitting; unchanging


26. In the thrilling activity of bungee jumping, ________most matters is courage rather than strength.

  A. it     B. that     C. as    D. what


25. Mary felt ______from the outside world, since she lacked an Internet connection and couldn’t receive any e-mail.

  A. cut down    B. cut in      C. cut off     D. cut out  


24. -Do you ______ the idea of living a low-carbon life?

-It sounds tough, but it is a tendency.

A. adjust to   B. apply to       C. approve to       D. subscribe to


23. - When shall we go planting trees in the hill?

-______ it begins to rain, so they don’t need watering.

  A. Not until      B. While         C. Till          D. Unless


22. World Expo 2010 Shanghai China, a grand-scale global event, has ______ the significant theme “Better City, Better Life.”

A. abandoned     B. adopted        C. advocated     D. adapted


第一节  单项选择(共20小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分)

21. ______ man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as by ______ company he keeps.

A. The; a         B. A; a         C. The; the       D. A; the

