0  264613  264621  264627  264631  264637  264639  264643  264649  264651  264657  264663  264667  264669  264673  264679  264681  264687  264691  264693  264697  264699  264703  264705  264707  264708  264709  264711  264712  264713  264715  264717  264721  264723  264727  264729  264733  264739  264741  264747  264751  264753  264757  264763  264769  264771  264777  264781  264783  264789  264793  264799  264807  447090 

14. They plan to go aborad for a holiday with all the task    ahead of time.

A. to finish  B. finished  C. finishing  D. having finished


13.The biggest surprise for John was    she was chosen as team captain.

A. when  B. what  C. which  D. whether


12. You can contact us by telephone or e-mail,     you prefer.

A. whoever  B. however  C. whatever  D. whichever


11. The ship struggled in the strom and    radio signals for help.

A. gave off  B. gave out  C. gave up  D. gave in


10. -Why is Jimmy so popular with his classmates?

   -Because he is humorous and always    good jokes.

 A. says  B. speaks  C. states  D. tells


9. The other day he ran across one of his friends on the street, whom he for    ages.

A. hadn’t seen  B. didn’t see  C. hasn’t seen  D. doesn’t see


8. -You’d better take    friend with you. Then you can help each other if

in    trouble.

  -Sounds a good idea.

A. the;/  B. the;the  C. a;/  D. a;a


7. Charles Dickens wrote many novels to call    to social problems at that time.

A. interest  B. attention C. notice D. mind


6.-I’m sorry to have kept you waiting.

  -    . 高☆考♂资♀源?

A. You’re welcome  B. Go ahead  C. No problem  D. Don’t mention it


5.shadow     A.crowd    B.knowledge C.allow  D. narrow



