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2.generally admired by great numbers of people孚众  望的


6.lacking in spirit驯服的; 懦弱的; 卑怯的;

be poor at sth. (= be not good at sth.)在不好/ 差

the poor穷人(复数)

popular [5pCpjUl[] adj. 1.favoured by many people流行的


5.low in quality质劣的; 坏的


4.small in quantity少量的; 稀少的


3.humble; of little value不足道的; 无价值的


2.deserving or needing help or sympathy可怜的


2.a large container filled with water and built into the ground, used for swimming, growing water plants, etc.水池

poor [pU[] adj. 1.having little money; not having and not able to get necessaries of life 无钱的; 贫穷的;  衣食不足的


2.either of the two ends of the earths axis (地球的)极

police [p[5lI:s] n. an official body of men (and women) whose duty is to protect  people and property, to make everyone obey the law, to catch criminals, etc.(集体名词, 单数形式表示复数, 作主语, 谓语动词用复数)警察

policeman[p[5lI:sm[n] (pl. policemen) n. a member of a police force (个体名词) 警察

polite [p[5lait] adj. having or showing good manners, consideration for others, and/or correct social behaviour 有礼貌的;

be polite to sb. 对某人有礼貌


political [p[5lItIk[l] adj. of or concerning public affairs and /or the government of a country政治的

politics [5pClItIks] n. the art of science of government政治学; 政治

pollute [p[5lU:t] v. to make (air, water, soil, etc.) dangerously impure or unfit for use污染

n. pollution [p[5lU:F[n]the action of polluting污染

pool [pU:l] n. 1.a small area of still water in a hollow place , usu. naturally formed水坑


3.to give added force to; stress指出; 强调:

point out 说明; 指出

point to 指向

point at指着

pole [p[Ul] n. 1.a long straight round piece of wood or metal as a support for a tent, telegraph wires, etc., or for flying a flag杆; 柱


2.(+at / towards) to aim, direct, or turn 瞄准

